All The Right Moves- Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"So the team will first meet about 50-100 kids in the children's wing. That should take about 7 hours starting at 9 this morning and will go up until let's say 3-ish. They will then participate in the auction tonight benefiting the hospital. We are strictly to cooperate with the guidelines they have instructed and to ensure that all the production teams come and go. Everything in between is in the control of the teams publicists, assistants, and directors. Everyone got it?" I stated at the head of the table in the board room at the hotel we were staying at.

Although the event was in Maryland and only 25 minutes away from my home, it was convenient to book a room so that after I could climb up the elevator and crash.

"Got it. What's the dress code?" Kenna stated.

"The charity event tonight is a black-tie affair. Not all of the team is needed tonight so amongst yourselves decide who wants to stay and who wants to head home after set-up. Thanks again guys." I stated drinking the cup of coffee Adam had given me this morning.

"Hey boss, the glasses look suits you, makes me want to take you more seriously" Adam stated causing me to smirk.

"Remind me again why I hired you years back?" I asked placing my glasses on the top of my head. I only ever wore them to read per say the contracts that were tonight's event.

"Because my kick ass personality is just like yours. Feisty yet badass, but when it's time to get dirty, I'm all business." He stated rolling up his sleeves.

Adam wasn't your typical Ethan or Drew, but yet in fact the quite opposite. He was tall and lean with brown hair that reminded me a lot of Wesley's. He took on the more journalist approach rather than a jock yet was highly attractive, even I would admit it.

I always thought that him and Kenna had a thing for each other but never knew what was the deal between them.

"I'm taking it that you're working tonight?" I asked.

"That I am. Wouldn't miss meeting a bunch of football celebrities." He replied leaning against the big oak table.

The rest of the team were talking amongst themselves about tonight's set-up and plans, while others scurried away.

"Good. I'm going to need your set of eyes in case any mishap happens with any of the production teams." I stated gathering my things.

"I'll stay close to your side tonight. Make sure nothing happens then." He said running his hands through his hair.

"Thanks Adam, I appreciate it!" I replied before getting up.

"If all goes well. When we head back to Auburn, drinks on me to celebrate." He noted just as I was about to leave.

"Celebrate what exactly?" I asked confused.

"Your birthday. Drink's on me since there was never the time before. And don't you dare argue with me. You need to let loose a bit." He said before walking away from me and towards Kenna.

I was glad I never mixed personal with business hence the lack of workers at my birthday party Blake threw for me, but I was long passed celebrating my birthday.

I went up the elevator in the hotel to my hotel room and decided to change into a more casual outfit. Drew had asked that I'd go with him to the hospital today with him and I couldn't say no.

The hospital they were visiting was a local research hospital here in Baltimore. It was about an hour drive from Auburn so I had decided to get a room for tonight to crash after the auction.

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