All The Right Moves- Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

That next morning was difficult to get out of bed. We had spent the entire night together and Drew had struggled to leave me this morning.

It wasn't until around noon where we had to get up and check out that forced us to come back to reality.

Drew had left to Vince's, and I headed back home.

It was around 8 in the evening and Drew still hadn't come back yet. Usually he would let me know when he was running late but I guess he'd decided on staying a little longer than anticipated.

My phone buzzed and thinking it was Drew, Kenna was dialing.

"Hey! Sorry if you were busy but all of us decided to head down to The Pub off 3rd. You should come!" She babbled.

I sighed, "I don't think today's a good idea Ken."

"Don't give me that shit! Just come out for a few drinks for an hour and you can head back home. It's still early and you'll be back before you know it." She responded.

I looked thru my messages and still none from Drew, "Alright, I'll be there in a half hour. But I am driving myself so no more than a couple drinks."

"Yeah yeah, just get your ass over here!" Kenna said before closing the call.

I got dressed and texted Drew letting him know what I was doing. With no response, I left and made my way to the bar.

I was greeted by my team and they immediately cheered as I reached the table.

"Way to make me feel like I'm Beyonce y'all, much appreciated!" I shouted over the music.

"YOU made it! About damn time!" Kenna yelled handing me a glass.

I sniffed it, "Oh man, you guys really want me to get sloppy tonight."

"You need to let lose, breathe, and let us celebrate your birthday since we finally got you out," Kenna responded clinking her glass against mine.

"Drink up Boss," Adam responded.

I lifted my glass up and chugged it in one gulp.

"Anotha one!" Kenna hollered at the Barman.

"Make that two," Adam responded.

"So we're actually lucky we got you out. How did you make that happen?" he asked.

"I'm not restricted Adam, I just prefer not to do.. all of this." I stated shrugging. This scene was so years back. I wasn't trying to relive my college years.

"You're young, gorgeous, and a thriving woman, enjoy your life" Adam stated.

I knew for a fact, I was living my life. Although Adam didn't know much about me, I didn't put up a fight nor explain myself. I was finally content and happy, his opinions didn't mean much to me about my personal life.

Glancing up at the TV that was hung above our heads, I noticed that I was in the headlines on ESPN.

I looked closer at the screen and my heart clenched at the sight of Drew.

Photos and videos from our exit at the charity was replayed over and over with reporters all over.

Seeing Drew's response on to Vince's brother's death had my stomach turning.

I felt so proud of him yet so sad in the same moment.

"Hey, that's you on there!" I heard the barman say glaring at me.

I looked at him, "Awe, I'm flattered. But her boobs and nose are totally real and these puppies aren't." I replied before turning my back on him.

"Rough day, huh?" I heard Adam say offering a glass of god knows what.

I lifted my hand out in protest, "No thanks. Driving home tonight."

He looked at me intently before setting the drink aside.

"Will you ever put the tough girl act to rest?" He asked taking me by surprise.

"I don't know what you're talking about as an act," I responded.

I was curious to see what he was meaning. Truly Adam didn't know me to the tee but I loved it when people think they do.

"You know what I mean," He stated.

"Well Adam, I hate to break it to you, but this is no act. What you see, is what you get. And just because I don't want to tell you what's been going on and how I'm feeling doesn't mean I'm putting up a front. It simply means I don't want to talk to you about it. Point blank." I told him matter-of-fact.

He laughed.

"Always so determined. I don't mean to offend you, but sometimes you should open up to your friends."

I shot him a smile, "I appreciate your advice, definitely will take into consideration." I stated sarcastically.

Wanting out of the conversation, I flocked to the rest of the group and mingled.

Kenna pulled me aside from the group about an hour into the night, "I have a serious question I need to as you."

I laughed, "Are you sure you want to ask this when you've been drinking?"

She nodded immediately, "If I don't ask this now, I may never do it. I've got some serious balls right now.

I choked on my drink, "You don't say!"

"Okay okay! You know Adam and I well had a thing a bit ago... but I honestly don't know what happened or why we stopped talking. Charlie I don't know why I can't seem to get over this guy or why I seem to be hung over him." She stated exasperated.

"I think you guys are both beating around the bush and are either trying to see when the other gives in, aka wasting time, or he's just super scared. Either way, go be the boss woman you are and take control of the situation. As your friend speaking, and not your boss, go get your guy." I stated.

Kenna took a deep breath.

"My boss might kill me if she finds out her employees are having an affair." She stated glaring at me.

I laughed, "Well it's a good thing your boss is a dope ass person and wants her employees happy, as long as it doesn't impact their work." I winked at her and walked away.

"I'm heading out everyone. Have fun, be safe, and see you all later!" I stated waving at everyone.

"What?! Already? You've only been here two hours, c'mon!" Adam replied.

"Bye!" I responded ignoring his previous complaint.

Wanting to get back home to see if Drew would be there, my need to leave was stronger than ever. 

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