All The Right Moves- Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


It had been a week since our trip from the ski lodge and I had promised El that she could see Charlie.

I had been treading on everything lately, unsure of how to react to Charlie.

I hadn't kissed her since that night at the lodge as I had figured out what I was doing.

I didn't want to overwhelm her with the news that we had been together prior to her accident in fear of her feeling she had to be with me.

That she felt obligated.

I didn't want her to force any feelings, especially when it came to us.

"So what, you're just going to make her fall back in love with you?" Blake asked through the line.

I was waiting for Charlie outside the arcade as Ethan was dropping her off to meet my family and I.

"If that's what it takes, then yes. I'd rather her want to be with me again because of how she feels, not because she had a ring on her finger before. I know it sounds all sorts of weird and dumb but this isn't to me. I don't want her to be with me due to the sake that she was before."

"So you're basically going to try to get her to love you all over again just so that you know what you had was real?" Blake inquired on the phone.

"What we have is real. I know it. It's so weird Blake, our kiss the other night happened the same exact way we had our first kiss. If this isn't fate, then I don't know what is," I responded.

I felt completely hopeful.

If Charlie weren't to ever regain her memories, I wanted us to be able to have had a fair shot again.

If being patient with her and have us go through dating all over again would make her love me again, I would wait as long as it took.

It broke my heart to have her in the dark about what we had.

What we were.

What we are.

But I'd be f*cking damned if she felt that she felt forced to be with me.

I'd wait as long as it f*cking took.

I knew I'd eventually tell her, but I wanted her to feel what she once felt too.

The revelation of us had been eating away at me since her accident, but since our trip to the lodge I felt some sort of lightness. Some ease to this all.

I felt hopeful.

I wasn't confident that her memories would come back, but I sure as well was confident in our love.

"Hey! She here yet?!" I heard El come from behind.

I turned around and hugged her tight. She had just gotten rid of her crutches and now had a soft cast around her leg.

Visiting my parents and El had been difficult as going back to my house reminded me all too much of Charlie before the accident.

Every corner of the house made me devastated.

"Not yet but should be any second. Thank you for understanding." I told El.

She nodded her head, "It's the least I can do. It's just crazy to think that she has no idea that her and we all used to do. I can't even imagine that. I just hope that she remembers soon or if not, at least you tell her everything."

I shot her a look, "I know it's not ideal but I don't want to overwhelm her. How are you feeling kiddo?" I told her wanting to change the subject.

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