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One would think that with a huge family and a full-time job, juggling a career such as playing football while raising a family would be dysfunctional, Charlie and I made it work effortlessly.

It wasn't until this last year that I finally decided it was time to hang up my jersey.

It was the toughest yet easiest decision I had made so far.

Without winning any Super Bowls, I had several NFC championships that I was grateful for.

Cutting it close had been hard, but truly an honor that I was humbled to have lived over the years.

Retiring from the NFL at 36 years old seemed like the right thing to do.

Not everyone had the opportunity I had, with the support of an incredible woman standing by their side.

I was forever grateful I got to ride out my dream, while creating a beautiful family with the love of my life.

I may not have one any Super Bowl, but I definitely was a champion in regard to having the best family and wife.

That was without hesitation.

After leaving the Ravens after 10 years, I had taken part ownership with Ethan's Sports Agency, representing over 50 clients within my first year out of the NFL.

It was the most ideal transition after playing football for all those years, and I was grateful for my foundation to have such a career to fall back on to.

Charlie had expanded her company and now ran a full organization with branches across the country. How she managed to raise our army while working as hard as she did was something I never could comprehend.

Today was our youngest child, Brooks' birthday as he was turning two. Charlie had wanted to throw a huge party for him and invited our families over our home to celebrate.

I was currently with Ethan on our way back to my house after picking up the cake. Pulling up to my house, it had already been packed with people for the party.

"Honey, we're homeee!" I shouted over the chatter with Ethan following behind.

"Finally! What took so long? People all flooded in at once," Charlie stated appearing in the foyer to lecture us.

Her hair had grown so long, flowing effortlessly around her tiny body. She was wearing a dress that was too hot for a mama to wear.

"We may or may not have stopped downtown for a couple of beers," Ethan stated shrugging.

Charlie slapped my shoulder, "He's bullshitting."

I stated kissing her lips softly.

"You look beautiful," I stated against her lips.

Smiling she licked my lips before yelling at Ethan, "Cake in the dining room, thanks Lover Boy."

"Mama, is that the cake!" Our second oldest, Landon asked running up to Charlie.

"Sure is. You think Brooks is going to like it?" She asked him.

"Brooks is going to love it!" He stated excitedly.

Charlie wrapped her arms around my waist, "Good! Where are your sisters?"

"They're outside. Noa is with Clay and Avery is with Cameron playing on the moon bounce." Landon stated before running off to the dessert table.

Charlie and I had 4 kids, two girls and two boys with Ethan and Blake only having 2, one of each.

I wanted one more but Charlie refused after her last childbirth.

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