All The Right Moves- Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


Today was Sunday and we were all gathering in our seats in the VIP section at the football stadium.

Drew was set to play in two minutes in his second playoff game.

Blake had completely decked us out in his jerseys and I was grateful that we were in a VIP lounge as it was bitter cold out.

"You ready?" I heard Ethan ask.

Smiling at him, I felt incredibly lively.

"This is so crazy. I can't believe that we're here for him. I'm so proud." I responded while looking over at the crowd who were cheering.

The game was at a neighboring football team and the stands were mixed with both Ravens and Redskins fans all over.

Seeing Drew in his purple uniform reminded me a whole lot of how Wesley looked when he played for JMU.

I wonder what he was up to these days.

"Let's get it Underwood!" I heard Blake shout over the cheers causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

Cheering alongside Blake, I shouted in support for Drew.

The game flew by and before I knew it, it was the fourth quarter with just 8 minutes left.

Drew had done incredibly with scoring two touchdowns himself and throwing three passing touchdowns as well.

We were down by 6 but I had faith that Drew would do what he did best.

I couldn't help but stare at all the purple jersies the entire game.

It all reminded me so much of my days back in college when I'd cheer on JMU in their native purple color.

Smiling at the memory, I couldn't help but take out my phone.

Before I knew what I was doing, I immediately typed out Wesley Drake on google.

I was becoming more okay with getting my answers and this would be the start.

Surely, mine and Wesley's relationship ended cordially after I had found out he cheated I mean it has been years after all.

If I wasn't over it by now then that would be telling.

I entered his name and quickly searched through the links that popped up.

Confused, I noticed several articles written by local newspapers on an accident.

Hitting the links immediately, I was confused.

Wesley Drake Obituary.



Wesley died?

My heart immediately dropped to my stomach.

What in the world was going on.

"Hey you're so quiet over there! Nervous am I right?" Blake yelled over at me gaining my attention.

Ethan had been beside her, wrapping his arms around her waist securely.

I looked at her closely, needing to gather her expression when I spoke.

I could barely make the words out of my mouth.

Feeling absolute shock, I mustered what words I could out.

"He's dead?" I asked point blank.

I felt disoriented.

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