All The Right Moves- Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I overheard laughter coming from Charlie's room.

It had been a solid hour that had passed since I had left her room.

Not wanting to be away any longer, I knew it was time to go back.

Just as I was about to enter, Charlie's mother as well as mine existed.

"Drew, there you are. Can we talk to you for a moment?" Charlie's mother asked.

"Sure thing," I agreed, walking us a little bit away from the door.

Stopping us, Charlie's mother placed her hand on my arm.

"Oh honey, you need to exhale. Breathe. She is alive and is going to make it." She said.

I nodded, understanding her words truly.

"We are so grateful she found her way back to us. Although circumstances are different, we are so lucky." She added.

"I know we are." I responded.

She gave me a sad smile before speaking.

"I know you may not agree with what I am about to ask you, but I would really appreciate you understanding."

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"I don't want you to be upset about this, and it isn't to hurt you in any way. We just think it best that we don't discuss what occurred to Wesley just yet. She is so sensitive right now and anything that will upset her will negatively affect her." Her mother said.

"I get where you are coming from, but we can't lie to her. It isn't right. And Charlie will see through all our bullshit. We can't do it." I told her point blank.

Charlie was not an idiot.

She would know something is up and I refused to lie to her.

"Drew, this isn't to upset her or to scheme in any way. We are doing this because it will benefit her. She will not heal with any excess stress and you know it. She asked where Wesley was and I took the liberty as her mother and told her that he was away and does not know about the accident." She said.

I bobbed my head, "I don't agree with that. She is much stronger than you think."

"You don't have to agree with me, Drew. I'm her mother." She stated, glaring at me defensively.

"And I'm her fiancé, Brenda." I replied just as protective.

We were both wanting the best for Charlie, but had two completely different viewpoints.

"Drew, honey. You know that Brenda isn't trying to upset you in any way. She wants to do what's best for Charlie, sweetie. And upsetting her isn't the answer right now, not when she needs to heal." My mother stated, placing her arm on mine, trying to soothe me.

I fixated my attention to Brenda, knowing that she was coming from a place of concern.

"We will tell her, son. Just not at this moment. She needs to regain her strength." Brenda stated pulling me in for a hug.

Hugging her back tightly, I agreed, even when I didn't necessarily.

Everyone seemed to have exited the room at once, saying their goodbyes and that they would be back tomorrow.

After saying goodbye, it was just me left standing outside her door.

I mentally prepared myself.

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