All The Right Moves- Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


Practice had been a buzzkill today. I absolutely hated practicing anywhere but our home field.

Thankfully, we were just 4 driving hours away from Auburn for the next couple of days, making the flight home less annoying.

I hated being too far from home.

It was Tuesday, which only meant two more days til I was home. We had a game scheduled for Thursday night and I'd fly immediately home after. 

I texted Charlie just as practice ended around 4 to see what she was up to.

She responded not long after,

At work! Going over to your parent's house later. Ellie's friends are coming over and wants me to be with her.

I responded,

Try not to scare them away, Tiger. We all know how you can get carried away with those game boards of yours.

I heard a ding a second later,

Babe, scaring her friends away are all you. And you love playing those games with me. I'll call you tonight. Love you, miss you.

I smiled at her response before sending her one last text,

I love you too. Talk to you soon.

Tossing my phone in my bag, Vince had slapped my shoulder, taking me by surprise.

"Great practice man. We just got to go to Fenwick Hospital tomorrow and kill it at Thursdays game." Vince stated.

"Want to head out with the guys and grab some food? There's this great burger spot near our hotel we're going to go check out." He asked.

We all knew we weren't allowed to drink 24 hours before a game so the guys were gonna go tonight before we weren't allowed to tomorrow.

Feeling bad for wanting not to go, I felt obligated as I've been trying to support Vince as best as I could since the passing of his brother.

He was like a brother to me and I never wanted to disappoint him.

"No drinks tonight, but I am starving." I told him grabbing my helmet from the bench.

"Atta boy, let's go then." He responded as we walked back to the locker room.

After showering and cleaning myself up, the team headed over to eat.

It was about 6 when we all arrived and got settled in.

Thankfully, the entire place was empty having it be just us. I was not in the mood for much publicity today.

I loved my team and the duty of being the Quarterback but I never did it for the fame. In fact, I hated it. Now more than ever now that Charlie would more than likely be harassed for being the girlfriend of the Baltimore Ravens Quarterback.

After about three hours of us hanging out and eating, I felt like my eyes get heavy.

"Looks like I can't hang anymore fellas. I'm going to head back to the hotel. I'll see you all tomorrow." I said getting up from my chair.

"Aye Underwood! See you tomorrow. Tell that hot girl of yours to share you more!" One of the lineman shouted.

That caused all the guys paying attention to laugh.

I joined in with them.

Waving at them, I headed to the driver outside who took me back to the hotel.

By the time I got settled back into the hotel it was just before ten. I sent Charlie a text, letting her know to call me whenever she left my parent's house.

I knew Ellie had some crush on a guy and had a feeling he was there.

I loved my girl for wanting to protect El and respected my sisters wishes in not telling me.

Neither of them knew I knew, but it wasn't hard to pick up on what they needed to talk about all the time.

It only made me love Charlie harder, as her loyalty and trust was as strong as my love for her.

Another hour passed and rather than waiting for her to call, I decided to call her.

Went straight to voicemail, so I tried again.

After three failed attempts, I sent another text.

Love, are you okay?

My eyelids were growing even heavier and I knew I wouldn't make it another 10 minutes.

It was around 4 in the morning when I heard a banging on my door.

Confused, I got up from the bed and went to the door.

I opened to see a very anxious Vince.

"Man,  you know what time it is?" I asked.

I hope to God he wasn't having a panic attack about his brother.

He rested his hand on my shoulder, "I think you need to sit down."

My stomach immediately turned.

If I was at any point tired, in the moment, I was more awake than ever.

"Vince, what's going on?" I asked confused.

He came in and turned on the lights and began grabbing my clothes and tossing them into my bag.

"What the F*ck man?" I asked standing in the middle of my room, waiting for some explanation.

"Where's your phone?" He asked.

I went over to grab it but he beat me to it. I noticed I had over 57 missed notifications.

What the f*ck.

Vince unlocked it and immediately called someone.

"He's with me. I'm going to give him the phone right now." He told to whomever was on the line.

My heart dropped.

Something wasn't right.

I took the phone from him and saw that Ethan's contact was up.

"Ethan? What the hell is going on?" I asked confused.

I heard what sounded like a voice over an intercom in the background. "Drew, its Blake. Listen, there's no other way to go about this but, there's been an accident." She stated.

Her voice was trembling and I knew that she was trying to not hint at any emotion.

I felt my eyes burning.

I didn't know what the f*ck even happened yet I knew whatever was about to be told, would forever change my world.

I knew in my heart that it was Charlie.

She hadn't responded to any of my messages or calls last night.

I wanted so badly for whatever she was about to say to be anyone but her, but I knew that wouldn't be the case.

"You need to get here now. We don't know.." She said breaking down.

I f*cking lost it.



"Say it Blake." I declared.

"It's bad Drew. She needs you. We all do." She choked out.

I shut the line and stood up.

I grabbed my bag from Vince and ran as quickly as I could.

I needed to get to her and I needed to get to her now.

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