All The Right Moves- Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"You don't have to go tonight you know," I stated.

I was standing in between his legs, adjusting his bowtie with his hands placed on my hips.

"And let those kids down? It's already awful enough about what happened. I can't be selfish and just not show up tonight." He responded rubbing his hand on my thigh.

I ran my hand through his wet, blonde hair.

"You wouldn't let a single one of those people down. You did so much today already. Tonight is just a for show type thing, this morning was the real deal. And you most certainly are not selfish whether you decide to go tonight or not." I told him sincerely.

He looked at me and shot me a tiny smile.

"I'm going to put on my dress then we can head on down," I told him already knowing he would be going tonight.

Drew was utterly selfless when it came to everything.

Something we both had incredibly in common.

"Can you help me zip this up?" I asked walking toward him.

I looked at Drew who looked in even more pain than he had been this entire day.

Internally panicking, I blurted, "Babe, we really don't have to go right now. Who cares about what people think. Screw them all."

He let out a laugh.

"You'll be the one that kills me tonight if anything. You do know that, right?" He stated shaking his head and walking behind me. I moved my hair as he reached for the zipper.

"I may be zipping this thing up for now... but there's nothing more that I want than for me to rip this dress apart at the moment."

His words sent goosebumps all over my skin.

As if sensing my response, his hands found their way around my waist as he pulled my body against his, hugging me from behind. He placed his chin on my shoulder.

"How is it that you've managed to get a girlfriend, fell for her, got semi-engaged, and have yet to nail her?" I asked.

Drew kissed my shoulder softly before responding, "Because I love you. And love makes guys like me act the exact opposite of what we used to be. I'm all sappy and sh*t and it comes natural. And that's because nothing else matters."

I smiled at his response.

"I mean don't get me wrong. I bet sex is all sexy and hot with you Tiger."

There was the man that I fell for.

I let go of his embrace and slapped his shoulder softly, "Come on you player."


The auction had been a great success. The charities had reached over $750,000 in bids alone, excluding all donations.

The rest of the night was dedicated to celebrating its achievements with dinner and dancing being held at the same room the auction took place.

I was taken as Drew's date but I was also working the event, making tonight be extra important to me although my team had nailed it once again.

"B! Look at you, you fine ass!" I shouted at Blake just as she and Ethan made their way to our table.

"Me?! Look at you Char! So sorry we couldn't be here for the auction but not to worry, I think we've broke our bank this month with our donation," She responded hugging me tightly.

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