All The Right Moves- Chapter 46

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Chapter 46


"You weren't kidding about this Nutella craving when you're pregnant thing," I told Blake through the phone.

"Told you! It intensifies I swear," She responded.

"I still can't get over the fact that your wedding photos are out. Has it already been three months since?" She asked.

"It's August B and my belly don't lie. It's definitely been three months," I laughed.

"How are you feeling today? Did you get any bigger since yesterday?" She joked.

"I feel like I'm getting bigger by the minute," I told her truthfully.

I was just about to be 5 months in a few weeks and I finally started to see a change in my body belly wise.

"Can you at least let me know the gender, I promise I won't say a word." She pleaded.

"Nope. I told you we don't want to know. Not until the baby is born," I told her.

"No fair. The suspense is killing me." She whined.

"Yeah yeah, you big baby." I stated just as Drew came down from the bedroom to the kitchen.

He immediately walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my growing stomach.

Kissing my neck, I squealed at his touch.

"Okay, I'm hanging up now. Don't want to hear you guys continue making babies. Bye," Blake stated immediately hanging up the phone call.

I turned around and brushed my lips softly against his, "Going to practice?"

He shot me a sad smile, "That I am."

He pulled me close to him so that I flushed tight against him.

"This season is going to suck," He told me.

"Don't say that. It'll be over before you know it." I told him.

He shook his head, "I don't even want to leave you alone for a second. I feel like I'm going to miss so much."

I nodded, knowing what he meant.

The unfortunate part was that I wouldn't be able to travel with him like I had last year.

"I'll be just fine. And it's only a few days out of the month where I won't be seeing you." I told him.

"A few days too long," He nagged.

Placing his head in the crook of my neck I heard him sigh.

"Go, you're going to be late." I told him kissing his cheek.

"I'll be back in a few hours," He replied kissing my nose before leaving.

My phone rang, and thinking it had been Blake, it was Kenna.

"Hey boss! Sorry to bother you, but we need some of your signatures to renew some contracts we have with our vendors." Kenna spoke into the phone.

I had been working plenty in the office but have started to work some time at home as my nausea would get the best of me sometimes.

This morning had been one of them.

"I'll swing by now." I told her before saying goodbye and hanging up.

It was perfect, just so that I could scoop up some Chinese food after Drew's practice.

His preseason was in full gear and I wanted to spend as much time with him before he would be fully enwrapped in the season.

Calling the restaurant and placing the order, I had about a half hour before it was ready.

After changing, I grabbed my keys and made my way out of the house and drove over to the office.

"There she is," Kenna stated excitedly.

"Why so chirpy?" I asked as I walked to my office.

"No reason. I just love Summer," she stated inhaling the air.

I giggled, "Kenna you're so strange."

She shrugged, "I just wanted to say hello. Are you coming into the office tomorrow?"

"That's the plan," I stated signing the contracts on my desk.

"Are these it?" I asked her.

Nodding her head she stood up, "Yes ma'am. I'm heading out to get some dinner with the hubs. I'll see you tomorrow!" She stated.

"Have fun!" I shouted as she existed.

Finishing the contracts, I looked at the clock and noticed that I should probably head out as the food was ready.

Thankfully, the spot was right down the street.

Walking over, I grabbed the food and headed back to my car parked in front of my office.

Drew should be home within the next hour.

Lowering the windows, it was an absolutely gorgeous summer day.

Stopping at a red light, I looked over to my right and noticed a cute family sitting outside the ice cream shop.

I smiled thinking that I would be in their shoes soon.

Placing my hand on my stomach I smiled.

The light turned green and I just pressed on the gas lightly when I felt the car hit mine from behind. 

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