All The Right Moves- Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


A full week had gone by and in that time span, not much had changed.

Charlie got stronger every day, but still no recollection of her memory.

Thankfully, she hadn't retouched the subject of Wesley again, and had been focused on regaining her strength versus remembering much.

I had a feeling she was doing that to show everyone that she wasn't fazed by the lack of memorization, but I knew her.

She was internally struggling.

As was I.

Not being able to show her the love that we had formed was difficult.

I knew I would tell her soon though.

She was getting stronger by the minute, and I knew that she would at first be surprised at the news but hopefully she wouldn't run.

I had been by her bedside from sunrise to sunset.

Knowing I had to be at the game yesterday, Charlie had forced me to leave and this time I didn't put up a fight.

As much as I didn't want to go, I knew I was contractually obliged.

It had been the last regular seasoned game, with the next one being a playoff game.

Now was the time to get it together as best as I could.

I mean with all that had been going on, I was surprised I even knew what day it was.

I had just landed home from my flight from Miami.

Charlie was expected to be discharged yesterday, but some complication with the paperwork caused her to stay an extra night.

My parents had been staying at my house temporarily until the insurance found them a rental.

It had worked out, as I couldn't seem to sleep a single night in my home.

Not without Charlie.

It didn't feel right.

"Anything change?" I asked Ethan, hopping into the car as he drove away from the airport.

Shaking his head, "No. She's pretty much the same. She's pretty much normal, just a bit achy and her headaches have gotten a bit better." He responded.

"I hope those stupid ass headaches go away for good," I told him, looking outside the window as he drove.

"She got discharged earlier this morning though. So that's really good news." Ethan told me.

I turned my attention to him, "How come nobody told me this?"

I looked through the phone and saw no texts from anyone about this.

"Because we knew that the second she was discharged, you would have taken an earlier flight home because you're that crazy. You needed to get away from that hospital," Ethan replied, not once being fazed.

I shook my head, "Not your decision to make."

"You're right. But it was Charlie's." He replied smirking.

We never really talked about where she would be staying after her stay in the hospital. I had just assumed that she would have come back home with me.

"She's staying with us, if that's what you're thinking. I didn't know whether you had talked to her about that but she was pretty confused at the fact that she didn't live with her mom, or you know, on her own." Ethan said itching the back of his head.

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