All The Right Moves- Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up and started rubbing my eyes from the sunlight shining directly on my face, I squinted, taking in my surroundings and realized that I wasn't on the couch where I had fallen asleep.

I rolled over and sat up and noticed the other side of the bed was empty. I quickly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get dressed and brush my teeth.

I realized that I had slept in this morning, hence why I felt like such a bum.

Never did I ever sleep in past 9 but this morning had been an exception.

I scurried down the hall and down the stairs to see Ethan and Drew goofily cooking in the kitchen. I made my way to the counter and sat on one of the stools before one of them had noticed my appearance.

"Hey you, how'd you sleep?" Ethan asked.

"Slept like a baby to be honest." I replied eyeing Drew who simply smirked at me.

"I assume you would considering you had the entire bed to yourself." He said chuckling flipping the eggs on the stove.

Confused I responded, "Wait what?"

"Yeah, we found Superstar crashed on the couch over here when we got in last night." He replied still chuckling.

I instantly felt bad hearing this but quickly felt the exact opposite as yesterdays events replayed in my head.

Before I could respond Mitch and Jack came down the stairs.

"Tell me the foods ready I am starving," Jack stated rubbing his stomach.

"Whatever it is make sure it tastes sweet, just like I bet you taste sugar," Mitch commented, winking at me causing me to laugh.

"Keep saying shit like that and you'll never find out," I responded.

"You and I both know that that's not true," He flirted.

"Maybe not," I stated smirking at him.

"The hell you will idiot." Drew interrupted throwing the cup of water in his hand at Mitch who luckily dodged him.

Mitch lifted his hands in defeat before whispering in my ear, "One day," he said jokingly.

I laughed his stupidity off. Mitch was for sure a handsome, witty man but that ego reminded me a lot of high-school Drew.

Without a doubt, he was all about the females.

"Vrooom vroom!" I heard Clay squealing as he ran into the kitchen with a toy car in his hand.

"Watch it baby, don't get in daddy's way." Blake said making her way onto the stool beside me.

"How was your night B? Get laid?" I asked winking.

She laughed just as much as Ethan did, "Totally. Met this major babe at the bar last night, took his ass home with me and bam, that little guy came out within minutes, can you believe the advancement of technology these days? Insane." Blake replied fanning herself.

I felt my brow lift, this girl's brain was surly growing to be like an old lady, and in no good way.

I laughed at her comment though, she didn't lose her spunk that's for sure.

"At least one of us did. We're starting to lose our mojo, damn teenagers putting us to shame." I stated hopping off the stool to grab glasses to put on the table for drinks.

"I wouldn't know about us losing our game but you Char? That's understandable." She replied patting me back.

"Ouch," Ethan said laughing as he placed the food onto the kitchen table.

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