All The Right Moves- Chapter 43

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Chapter 43


Charlie and I had been home for a solid two days after she regained her memory. We knew we had to leave eventually, and the Doctor's visit was just the right excuse needed for me to drag us both out.

I wanted to make sure everything was fine with her and after the Doctor's examination, he was more than thrilled to see her memories resurfaced.

Him and I both.

We both knew we had to visit Blake and Ethan, and I knew that their reaction was about to be over the top.

Pulling up to their house, Charlie smiled wide.

Hopping out the car and running over to open Charlie's door, she laughed as she plopped on the concrete while hanging from my neck.

Wrapping my arms around her body, I kissed her lips softly.

I had never relished the feel of her more than I had these last few days.

"They're going to laugh so hard," Charlie stated.

"They're also going to think we're idiots," I said chuckling.

"We are but nowhere near as dumb as them." Charlie replied laughing.

I grabbed her hand and placed it in mine as I tugged on her to walk with me to the house.

The door immediately opened before we even got a chance to knock, "There you guys are! Way to let us know you're alive Char." Blake stated half annoyed half-jokingly.

"I sent you a text!" Charlie stated defending herself.

"Yeah, but only last night." Blake stated placing her hand on her hip.

Charlie blushed, "Yeah sorry. We were busy."

Blake bit her lip, "Oh, okay." She immediately grinned and shot me a wink.

Charlie walked inside past Blake, giving Blake the chance to grill me for a second.

"Is this what I think it is?" She whispered as I walked in the house.

I laughed, "Let's have her talk to you. I'm sure she'll fill you in on details as you females like to do that shit."

Blake playfully slapped my shoulders, "Oh don't go being so modest on me now Superstar."

Ethan came down the stairs to greet us both.

"Where's Clay?" Charlie asked.

"Just put him down for his nap. He'll be up in an hour. What's going on with you two? You guys look alright, no killing each other, I'm concerned." Ethan stated glaring at us both.

Charlie walked over to me and grabbed my hand and placed it in hers.

Clinging on to my arm, I spoke, "You sure you want to tell them?" I joked.

Charlie laughed.

Blake interjected, "Quit the bullshit. Tell us you fools!" She stated impatiently.

Charlie and I both smiled at each other before she lifted her hand to show them her engagement ring.

"It's official." She told them before kissing me quickly.

"Knew it. I KNEW IT!" Blake squealed up and down before running to Charlie.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Blake squealed hugging the life out of Charlie.

"About f*cking time. Underwood finally got his balls back." Ethan stated to give us each a hug.

"And you're still having a hard time finding yours Bradley, what's your excuse?" I replied.

He slapped my shoulder and laughed, "Congrats fool."

"Thanks man, I appreciate it. Especially for telling me about how she was a few nights ago." I told him.

I never thanked him for giving me a heads up on Charlie's drunk episode the other night.

"Only looking out for you guys. Just don't tell her that you know. She'll beat my ass," He replied.

"Why would I beat your ass?" Charlie stated coming from behind us.

"Nothing," Ethan stated playing dumb.

Charlie rolled her eyes, "Sure."

Charlie slapped Ethan's ass.

"That's for being a pussy and not telling me," Charlie stated.

I laughed, pulling her in for hug.

"That's not the only thing we wanted to come here to talk to you about." Charlie added.

I smiled and gave her a kiss on her temple.

"Oh boy, you're pregnant aren't you!" Blake exclaimed.

I laughed hard at the one and I could feel Charlie tense up below me.

"Definitely not!" Charlie replied.

"I wish," I replied honestly.

Charlie slapped my shoulder, "We literally just got back together you crazy."

Blake shrugged, "Oh whatever."

Ethan looked at us closely and smirked, "Charlie remembers."

That caused us Charlie and I to beam in excitement.

Blake's face dropped.

"Bullshit. Don't joke with me about this," Blake stated.

Ethan's face grew wide and he repeated himself, "You remember!"

Charlie shook her head in agreement, causing Ethan to sweep her off her feet in a bear hug.

Charlie immediately squealed, "I told you!" Ethan repeated.

Blake immediately was wiping tears that were coming down her face, causing Charlie to comfort her.

"Don't cry! This is good news," Charlie stated giving Blake a hug.

Blake laughed through her tears, "It's the best news. These aren't sad tears, they're happy ones. I'm so happy for you Char."

Charlie nodded her head, "Everything is how it should be."

"And you, mister." Blake stated walking up to me, giving me a huge hug.

"I love you guys. I'm so happy for you." She stated squeezing me tight.

I laughed, "I know. Me too."

"Time to plan!" Blake squealed, grabbing Charlie and walking to the living room as they began talking.

"So that's it, huh?" Ethan asked.

I shot him a look, "What do you mean?"

He laughed and slapped my shoulder, "Bachelor Drew. I mean it's been quite some time anyway, but the deal is done. You ready for that?"

I laughed, "If it was anyone but Charlie, I probably would be shitting my pants right now."

We both laughed, "You're more than ready. This was eventually going to happen. I'm glad it happened sooner than I thought though."

I shot him a look, "Who the hell would have thought this is how it would play out."

He looked as if I said something dumb, "I did. This makes more sense than anything else. It would have been wrong if you two hadn't ended up together. If Blake and I were married and you two married off elsewhere. That just doesn't make any sense."

"I guess you're right." I nodded in agreement.

"Come on, let's go grab a beer. The girls are going to talk about this shit until the end of time." Ethan stated.

Following suit, we went to the kitchen.

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