The Cruelty of the Cauldron

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          Andromeda was stunned throughout the rest of the evening, having to remain deep within her mental barriers to avoid any outbursts. Her eyes caught the devastatingly beautiful eyes of her mate multiple times throughout the evening, but no emotion was visible within them. None but hatred and defeat. The princess could hardly breathe whenever he pointedly turned away from her.

          "Do not show a single sign you care," her father had gently reminded her throughout the night. "Put your walls back up."

          It was no surprise that her father had witnessed her inner turmoil during the bond settling in, but there was nothing to do when the entire court stood before them in that damned throne room. Eris stayed by her side the entire night, not even leaving it to formally greet his youngest brother, though he did not hold back in his sneers toward him. Andromeda hated it. Had the Cauldron laughed in her face? Why else would it torture her with the revelation of her mate at the worst possible time? A mate whom her mother was certain to torment, if not tonight, then soon. Andromeda wanted to protect him with every fiber of her being, but how? Did the male before her even want her protection? Was he even aware of the bond between them? Or is the Cauldron torturing her with a mate who was certain to hate her?

          Amarantha paraded about in front of the males, gloating about her victory to her subjects. Andromeda didn't care though. All she cared about was that her mother's attention remained on the High Lord Tamlin.

          The worst was the presentation of Clare Beddor.

          "We're so delighted your human girl could join us, Tamlin! Pity she won't be saving a dance for you," Amarantha goaded with a flourish of her hand toward the battered corpse. The males noticeably stiffened and turned to the body.

          No relief flooded them at the sight of the stranger, but disgust was still apparent. Andromeda wished she could melt into her throne. She no longer was certain that she could keep up this act. How could she live with that disgust turned toward her?

          "Andromeda," her father pleaded with her mentally. "Please."

          She understood his urgency. After everything they have gone through. After the hope of freedom through the Spring Court was lost and any possibility now resting on her shoulders, Andromeda couldn't afford to lose it now simply because the cursed Cauldron suddenly wanted to make an appearance in her life. The fae before her deserved better than some lovesick fool. They needed the Mountain's princess and heir to rise up. She had to play along in order to secure her power. Mate be damned.

          With a silent apology for the monster her mate was about to see her for, Andromeda shifted her mask into a cruel smirk as she rose to join her mother's side.

          "Please make me feel nothing. Please," Andromeda had silently pleaded to her father.

          It helped, but not as much as she had hoped. She knew she would never forget the look of shock and horror in the males' eyes as they glanced between her and her father, who merely smirked and waggled his fingers in greeting. She would never forget the disgust that radiated as she gloated her destruction of the human girl.

          "Her screams were delicious, though I'm sure you're quite familiar with those," Andromeda teased, "Or, were. Weren't you Tamlin?"

          The blond male snarled at the young female before him. The auburn-haired male with the golden eye hid his reaction, or perhaps lack of one, better. Andromeda did her best to keep her focus on Lord Tamlin. She was not ready to know the thoughts of the youngest Vanserra.

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