The First Trial

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          Andromeda spent the next couple of days sulking in her chambers, something she had grown so fond of doing. After her meeting with her mother, the princess had been left far more miserable than ever before and was riddled with even more self-loathing. No matter how her father had tried to comfort her, Andromeda knew that her mother was right; she would never be the female Lucien would love. With the bargaining of her heart, it was only that much more solidified.

          It had felt like hours that the female had spent bare in front of the mirror, trying to become familiarized with her new body. With the scars along her back, that were just about healed over by now, and her new tattoo that marked the awful bargain. The tattoo was like a scorch mark across her chest and over her heart. The black swirls were chaotic and striking against her pale skin. To her dismay, most dresses in her closet hardly contained the ugly mark. No matter what she wore, the mark was able to peek out for the world to see, visibly showing her predicament. One of the few dresses to cover it was her nightgowns, which Andromeda found herself wearing more and more.

          The third day of her self-imposed isolation was to be the last, according to the handmaidens bustling about in her chambers. Today was a full moon, meaning it was time for the human Feyre's first task. Andromeda was in no mood to watch somebody be ripped to shreds, but having no choice, she allowed the maids to dress and prepare her for the event. Bitterly, the princess hoped the girl would die soon so she could quickly return to her chambers.

          Unsurprisingly, Eris had been sent to escort the princess to the task. As much as Andromeda tried not to hold any discontent for the male, she couldn't help the anger that rolled off of her upon seeing his done-up self. It wasn't his fault, she tried reminding herself over and over.

          His eyes stopped on the mark showing through the neckline of the dress and squinted just slightly. He said nothing about it though.

          "How are you doing?" Eris whispered as the two walked along the corridors. She hated how genuinely concerned he sounded.

          "I'm fine."

          She had no reason to snap at him, no reasonable one at least. Control yourself, Andromeda harshly reminded herself. Eris just nodded, not showing any reaction to her clipped words.

          "I tried to visit, to check on you. I thought your father was going to rip my head off."


          "High Lord of the Court of Nightmares for you," she grumbled in response. Eris did raise his eyebrows at that. Right, Andromeda lamely reminded herself, she wasn't supposed to know that. She instinctively thought of ways to amend the reveal, not that it mattered to the male beside her, but she instead found herself scoffing. The sound was bitter and cruel, reminding herself of her mother. "Right. Back to being the foolishly blind princess, unaware of the most basic knowledge everybody around her knows. Tell me. Was it fun to watch me be so clueless?"

          Eris abruptly stopped their walking and looked around the empty hallway before tightening his grip on her arm. She hadn't realized how loudly her voice had risen. The male's face tightened into one of anger as he harshly whispered back, "What are you doing?"

          Andromeda surprisingly did not care. In fact, at this moment of wicked anger, she felt lighter than she had in days. She laughed coldly, relief flooding through her.

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