Chapter Seven (Amethyst)

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"Thanks for the ride," I said to Iris who was eyeing my attractive teacher, my fingers wrapped around the door handle in anticipation for the car to come to a complete stop.

"No problem. Can you try getting detention or something." She said staring at the blonde man.

"Wha- Why?" I looked at Iris who's mouth was slightly opened as she watched Mr. Holland the chemistry teacher retrieve something from the trunk of his navy Camry.

"Oh lord, he's not a wolf is he?" I asked exasperated. "I can't kill my teacher! I just can't!"

"Because I would love to get a call from him," Iris said looking at me like I was the crazy one.

I rolled my eyes and ran straight into the courtyard. The first person I spotted was Luke on a stone bench under a large tree, with a group of admiring females surrounding him.

"Have you decided what you're doing for your birthday Luke?" The rude and uptight blonde from English asked, her high ponytail and red lipstick screamed desperate.

Luke ran a hand through his sandy brown hair, "A party I suppose, we've got weeks though." All the girls just nodded, like they were robots. I walked over and I couldn't control the smile that spread across my face. Luke looked at me immediately, his green eyes lit up.


I know he might be a werewolf but he's so gorgeous.

"Hello gorgeous," he smiled, his words caused four of the five girls to glare at me, the fifth just walked away. Luke gestured for me to take the empty spot on the bench, that the angry blonde from English had just left.

"So.." I pursed my lips, yet another girl walked off with a huff.

Luke looked at the last three girls, "I need a word with our newest classmate." They didn't have to make a sound for me to know they wanted to kill me, all three walked off glaring at me. I found it funny that he had so much effect on the girls in school, with all my traveling I had never seen someone so charming.

"I heard you punched my brother in the face," he said with a charming grin, letting his white teeth show.

I scoffed, "No! Did he say that?"

Luke chuckled a husky chuckle, "Bullocks, I was hoping the rumor was true. He didn't say anything actually," Luke shrugged, "I heard it around. Gossip here moves fast."

"I can see that," I said annoyed, the rumor that I punched a man in the face was not something I wanted floating around.

"I thought it was funny, Ryder is so uptight I would have love to know a bird punched him." Luke rested against the tree, never breaking eye contact with me. I felt my heart flutter for a second. I really hope he's not a werewolf.

"Forget that," I said nervously, "I don't have much time before Chem-"

"I have Chemistry as well."

"Fantastic, let's walk and talk." I stood up hastily and Luke followed suit, we made our way through the stone corridors to the Chem-Lab.

"Was there something you wanted to ask me?" Luke said with a sly tone.

The sound of our school shoes on the stone was a nice relaxing sound, "Not really." I wasn't sure where to start with the trail of questions.

What do I ask? Are you a werewolf? Do you eat people ? Have you kill anyone lately?

"Well, perhaps I can ask you something?" He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Sure," I replied without looking at him, though I could feel his gaze. Maybe the information that he may or may not be a werewolf has something to do with my irregular heartbeat.

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