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Percy POV:

Peace. For most of my life, I never knew what that felt like. After fighting in two wars, I was finally at peace. Unfortunately, the Fates decided two wars just wasn't enough.

I woke up drenched in sweat. Another night full of dreams. This time it was Leo, sacrificing himself to kill Gaea and end the war. 'Gods, I miss him so much...' I thought to myself. The nightmares happened almost every night. They would mostly be of Tartarus and the hell me and Annabeth endured in that stupid pit. Sometimes though, it would be of friends. Friends who sacrificed themselves. Friends that I couldn't save. Bianca. Luke. Selina. Leo. The list goes on. I shook those thoughts from my mind as I sat up. 'It's all over now. No one else will die for me.' I thought to myself, praying to all the gods that would be true.

After shaking off my sleepiness, I got dressed and headed out of my cabin. Walking out, I looked across the camp, watching all the demigods, seeming so happy and carefree. It was a good look for Camp Half-Blood after all that had happened. I spotted Annabeth talking to a new camper, a son of Apollo. I think his name was Grant? I started to walk over, calling out "Hey Wise Girl!"

'Oh, hey Percy.' She looked over and smiled as she turned towards me, although I noticed the smile didn't reach her eyes. Strange.

'Grant right?' I said, turning to look at the new camper. He nodded and I continued. 'Well it's good to see you, hope you're settling in nicely.'

He looked like he was about to say something, but Annabeth quickly interjected 'Well I'm going to go show Grant around camp, I'll talk to you later Percy."

I watched them walk off as I felt tug in my gut. The feeling wasn't the one I felt when controlling water but rather the one I felt when something was wrong. I frowned. Annabeth was acting pretty strange... she must have slept poorly. I shrugged it off and went to train.

I walked over to the arena, slipping my hand in my pocket and pulling out my pen. To mortals, it looks like an ordinary pen, but when uncapped, it turns into a celestial bronze sword, Riptide. I've had this sword ever since I found out I was a demigod and have grown extremely fond of it. I went over to some practice dummies and began slashing away.

Hours later, I wiped the sweat from my brow and started walking towards my cabin, ready for a much needed shower. After showering and slipping on a fresh Camp Half-Blood shirt, I decided to look for Annabeth again. Tours don't take longer than a few hours so she should be done by now. I walk around the camp, unable to find her. I stuck my head into the Athena cabin, finding it empty except for one boy, Mark, who was hunched over a book. 'Hey Mark, have you seen Annabeth? I can't find her anywhere.'

'Uhh... I think she went to the beach with that new Apollo kid?' He said, looking up from his book.

'Alright, thanks Mark. See ya later.' I turned and started to walk to beach. As I got closer, I saw Grant on the ground, making out with a blond haired girl on top of him. As I got closer, I noticed a gray strand in the girls blond locks. I froze, unable to believe what I was seeing. She's... cheating on me? 'AFTER EVERYTHING I'VE DONE FOR HER?? I FELL INTO FUCKING TARTURUS FOR THAT BITCH!!' I thought to myself, filling up with rage and hatred as I got closer. I walked up to them, the ground shaking beneath my feet and the sea growing restless. 'Hey Wise Girl' I said, my voice dripping with venom. 'How's the tour going?'

Annabeth jumped off of Grant, looking shocked. 'P-Percy? What are you doing here?' she said quietly, her voice shaking with fear, vividly aware of the ground shaking underneath her feet and the sea sloshing around, looking ready to crash into her at any moment. 'I'm sorry Percy! Please, calm down!' She was shaking like crazy at this point, terrified.

'Fuck you Annabeth. I fell into Tartarus for you and this is how you repay me? Well then by all means, go find your new boyfriend. Where is he anyways? Looks like he ran away as soon as I showed up! Funny, I went to literal fucking hell for you and he won't even stand up to a little ol demigod for you. Have a nice life Annabeth. We're done.' I took a breath, having let all of that out all at once. I turned around, tears in my eyes as I walked back to my cabin.

'Percy, wait! Please Percy, I love you!' she cried out, kneeling in the sand with her hands to her face.

'YOU LOVE ME? YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON ME, YOU BITCH!' I roared, finally letting my anger out. The sea matched my emotion, and a massive wave slammed onto the shore drenching Annabeth. I turned around and left before she could say another word.

'Percy? Are you okay?' I turned around to see Piper walking up to me. 'What's wrong?' she asked, looking concerned.

'I'm fine, just got some sand in my eye.' I muttered, looking down. 'Thanks anyways' I said, quickly walking. I really didn't want to explain that the girl I went to hell for just cheated on me. Especially not to an Aphrodite camper.

Once I got back to my cabin, I finally broke down. I let everything out. I've been betrayed before, but her? I couldn't even bring myself to say her name. How could she do this to me? I gave her everything! I fell in to Tarturus with her, I fought by her side, I supported her, I even turned down immortality for her! After laying there for what felt like hours, I got up, wiping the tears from my eyes. I couldn't stay here. Not when everywhere reminded me of her. I decided to tell Chiron, as I didn't want him to panic about my disappearance.

I made it to the Big House without running into anyone, which I was very thankful for. I found Chiron standing nearby, talking with Mr. D. 'Chiron, could I talk to you for a second?' I called.

He turned around, leading me into a room. 'Of course Percy, what can I do for you? Is everything alright.'

I sighed, deciding not to get into it. I had just stopped crying and I didn't feel like starting again. 'I'm okay, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be leaving camp. I miss my mom and I think it'd be good to get away for a while.' That part wasn't a lie, I hadn't seen my mom in way too long.

Chiron looked upset, but he nodded like he knew this was coming. 'I understand Percy, please be careful. We'll all be awaiting your return.' He gave me a sad smile and pulled me into a hug.

As I left the room, I saw an iris message appear out of the corner of my eye. I only heard Chiron say something that sounded something like Dumby door before I was out of earshot. Weird.

Once I got back to my cabin, I began packing up my things. It was time to go home. Everything would be fine once I got home.

I couldn't have been more wrong about that.

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