Dumbledore's Army

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Percy POV:

The next few weeks flew by. The morning after I showed the trio my tattoo, they all rushed up to me, apologizing profusely, even after I assured them that I was just upset with the memories they had brought up, not their accusations. If I'm being honest, I think it's good that they aren't so quick to trust. After that, I grew closer to the trio and we spent almost all of our time together. Oftentimes, Hermione would drag me to the library as I was the only one in our little group who seemed actually interested in my studies. She would also frequently come to me with questions about how to do a certain spell, or improve a potion, to which I gladly offered my help. Hermione soon became one of my closest friends at Hogwarts, along with Neville, who I spent just as much time with. I learned a lot about him, about his struggles, his fears, and his past. I opened up to him a little as well, careful not to reveal too much. I think he could tell I was holding back but he never pried, which I appreciated.

Classes went on as usual and the wizard sport Quid-itch had also begun. Harry urged me to try out for the team but I declined, deciding that taking to the skies wasn't a good idea, even in Hecate's domain. I managed to stay out of trouble with Umbitch, even though her classes were worse than Dumbledore's speeches. I spoke to Dumbledore a few times and we discussed Voldyshorts, Harry, and the horcruxes that Voldyshorts had split his soul into. He told me that he was avoiding Harry due to the connection he had with Voldemort and refused to listen to me when I told him that keeping Harry in the dark would only make things worse. He also told me about the Room of Requirement, which I could use to work on my sword skill.


I had officially been at Hogwarts for a month. I was enjoying the year, even with Umbitch roaming around. I had just woken up, and I walked out of the dormitory to meet Hermione in the common room. We had started meeting there every day before breakfast. Usually Harry and Ron would already be in the Great Hall but they would sometimes accompany us. I was glad to finally have the trio as my friends and I enjoyed their company, especially Hermione. The more time I spent with her, the more she reminded me of her. Except all I saw were the good parts. She was smart, kind, modest, funny, and I enjoyed the conversations we shared. She was one of the only people I opened up to, sharing some details about my past. The only other person I trusted at the school as much as I trusted her was Neville. Ever since the nightmare I had at the start of the year, we had grown close and I had grown quite fond of the shy, awkward boy.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Hermione walked out of her dormitory, greeting me. We exchanged a few words before walking out of the common room and towards the Great Hall. We made our way through the castle, talking about our classes and some charms I was helping her with, stopping in front of the Great Hall, where a crowd had formed. I found Harry and Ron, grabbing Hermione's hand and pulling her over.

'Harry, what's going on?' I asked.

'Look at the wall,' he said angrily.

I looked up, seeing a piece of paper in a frame. Before I could cast a spell on myself to read it in Ancient Greek, Hermione spoke up from beside me. I realized I was still holding her hand and dropped it quickly, feeling my face grow hot.

'What the hell is a High Inquisitor? Umbridge has even more power now??' she groaned, clearly annoyed.

'Yea, apparently she's going to go around inspecting all the teachers to see if they meet the 'ministry standard.' Ron said, using air quotes.

'Are you fucking serious? We have to see that pink toad even more now? Great.' I muttered, causing Hermione to laugh silently, making me laugh too. Before we knew it, we were cracking up, tears steaming from our faces as we laughed. Harry and Ron, along with a few kids nearby looked at us weirdly, only causing us to laugh harder. Once we had recovered, we went into the Great Hall for a quick breakfast before making our way to our class.

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