12 Grimmauld Place

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Harry POV:

Why does my life always have to be so fucking miserable? In the past few years, I've almost been killed more times than I can count. And now the man- is he even a man?- who's hell bent on killing me is back. Good thing I saw him though right? That way I was able to warn everyone! No. According to the Daily Prophet and a majority of the wizarding community, I'm just some bratty little teenager who needs attention. As if I didn't get enough of that anyways. Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, two bloody dementors showed up!

There I was, minding my own business on the swings at the park, when that ogre of a boy, Dudley, and his posse show up. Long story short, two dementors show up and almost give Dudley the dementors kiss. Oh, and Ms. Figg is a squib. Sure, why not! Anyways, I get a letter saying I'm  expelled from Hogwarts for underage magic, but luckily Dumbledore clears it up and gets me a hearing. Now I'm on my way to some secret headquarters with a few aurors. At least now I might get some answers.

As soon as we walk into the house, I get tackled by all my friends. All the Weasleys and Hermione are here too, along with Sirius and some other aurors. Apparently this is Sirius' house. I get up after hugging everyone, smiling. 'So, what is this place?' I ask.

'We'll get to that later. For now, you need to eat. God, do those muggles even feed you?' she fussed, trying to pat my hair down as she pulled me into the dining room.

I sit down with Ron and Hermione and we talk a bit. They apologize for being so distant, saying Dumbledore ordered them not to say anything to me. I thought that was a bit weird, but I shrugged it off. After we finished eating, Sirius spoke up. 'So Harry, what do you want to know?'

'What is this place? What's this Order thing you guys keep talking about? Why have I not heard anything from anyone? It's been months!' I started to shout, getting angry. I saw Ron and Hermione glance at each other nervously, which only made me more upset.

'Calm down Harry. This place is my home. It belonged to my parents, but as I'm the last in the Black family, it goes to me. I hate this house, it reminds me of my childhood, so I offered to let Dumbledore make it the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix. The Order is an organization, I guess a resistance of some sorts, that Dumbledore created when You Know Who first came to power to fight against him. Now that he's back, Dumbledore reformed it. As to why you've been in the dark so long... I really don't know.' he said, looking down uncomfortably.

'So-' I stopped, hearing the familiar crack of someone apparating. Everyone looked at the door, watching as Dumbledore stepped in with a rather tall wizard with raven black hair, not so different from mine.When he looked up, everyone gasped. His eyes were a startling sea green and the color seemed to swirl around in his eyes, almost like the ocean itself.

Dumbledore stepped in to the dining room with a hand on the green eyed wizard. 'I apologize for the intrusion. This is Percy Jackson. I have sought him out and brought him here to join the Order.

'He has to be the same age as us! Why is he in the Order and not us!' George and Fred cried out, looking upset.

Dumbledore put a hand up. 'Percy will be in the Order. This is not up for debate.' he said sternly. 'He will also be attending Hogwarts this year as a fifth year, even though he's a year older than you all.' he gestured to Ron, Hermione and I.

'Uh, hi.' he said. 'It's really great to meet you all.' He was American? Why was Dumbledore recruiting wizards from America?

Molly stood up, her motherly side taking over. 'Sit down dear, I'll get you a plate!'

Percy gave her a small smile and sat down next to me. 'Thank you Mrs. Weasley.' he called out.

Once Mrs. Weasley returned, Dumbledore cleared his throat, causing everyone to look away from Percy and back at him. 'Percy will be staying here until the school year begins, please get to know him and make sure he feels at home. Now I really must be off, however, before I go, I must inform you all that Percy Jackson could be just what we need to win the upcoming war and I trust him with my life.' he said, before apparating away before any of us could say a word.

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