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Percy POV:

It had been a week since I disappeared. A few days after I left, I had tried to send a Patronus to Hermione as I knew she would probably be beating herself up over the fight we had before I left. I was surprised when I couldn't cast the spell, until it dawned on me. That day, when something had broken inside me, it was my emotions.

Over the past week, I've tested the theory. It seems I was correct. I'm just a shell of my former self, simply a body that completes tasks. Even when thinking of my mother, I felt nothing. I was empty. But I didn't care. It is what it is. My purpose is to fulfill the tasks assigned to me. The Greek world always saw me as nothing more than a weapon and now I had finally become one.

I had traveled back to America, roaming the streets, leaving a trail of monsters in my path. My expression was stuck in a permanent cold and calculating gaze and I wasn't even sure if I could smile at this point, even if I was faking it.

For the next month or so, I traveled America, only killing monsters and sleeping. During this time, I retreated farther and farther into myself, burying any trace of Percy Jackson deep inside myself, only speaking to that part of myself in the deepest parts of my mind. I began wearing a cloak I had created with sea foam, which had its own aura of power, attracting even more monsters.

One night, I decided I wanted to visit camp again. I was curious about it and wanted to see what was happening there. I vapor travelled near Thalia's pine tree before pausing. Probably better that they didn't know it was me. Luckily I still had my wand, so I changed up my appearance slightly. My hair was now blonde and my eyes were pitch black. I decided to keep my face structure and height the because I doubt anyone would recognize me because of it. I had been gone for quite some time.

After I was satisfied with my look, I walked into the camp. I thought about giving myself a name but I doubted I'd be speaking to anyone. As I walked through the camp, I got many weird stares and glances. Probably my eyes. I passed the beach and stopped for a moment. I remembered the last time I had been there, when Annabeth had broken my heart. I watched the sea for another moment before continuing my way through the camp, over to the Big House.

I walked into the Big House and saw a familiar sight. Chiron and Dionysus were playing pinochle with two satyrs, while Dionysus complained about the camp. I leaned on the door and knocked twice. They looked over and gave me a surprised look.

'Hello there... are you a new camper?' Chiron asked me. He looked a little unnerved at my appearance but was clearly trying to act friendly.

I was about to speak when Dionysus let out a chuckle. 'Peter Johnson, you're looking different!'

Chiron gasped and paled as he began analyzing every part of my face. 'Percy, is it really you? What did you do to your face?'

'Just a bit of magic, nothing to worry about.' I said, waving him off.

'Well, are you... alright, Percy? It's only been a week since...' he trailed off, a sad look in his eye.

'Since my family was murdered? Yes, I'm perfectly fine.' I replied, looking around the Big House. It hadn't changed a bit.

Chiron paled at my response and his tail began swishing around, something he did when he was nervous. It looked like he wanted to say more, but didn't really know what to say.

After a moment, I broke the silence. 'Well, I just wanted to visit the camp for a day or two, see how things are going. It was good to see you Chiron, Lord Dionysus. I'll be out of here soon enough.' I bowed and left the room, leaving a melancholy Chiron and a surprised looking Dionysus behind. I walked by the training area and noticed a crowd. Two Ares campers were fighting each other with their swords. I watched for a few moments, shaking my head at their poor technique, one I had perfected over the past month. Their fight ended soon after and the winner was screaming his head off, calling out to the crowd for someone to step up and fight him. When no one moved, I decided, why not? I stepped up, grabbing a random sword that was lying on the ground and walked up to the camper.

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