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Percy POV:

I opened my eyes, yawning. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked around. 'Wait... this isn't the dormitory,' I thought to myself. Then it all came back to me. Oh gods. I was a monster. I was just as bad as Voldyshorts. I felt the tears in my eyes but I didn't let them fall. I had cried enough the night before. I wouldn't let it happen again. The others would think I was some weak little pussy which I really didn't need right now.

I stayed in my room the rest of the day, ignoring the people who knocked on my door trying to get me to come out. Luckily, Mrs. Weasley slipped meals under the door, so I didn't have to go hungry. She really was amazing and I was glad her husband was safe. My thoughts drifted to Hermione. Harry and Ron would surely tell her of my vapor travel and me appearing at the house covered in death eaters blood. She would think I was freak. She would leave. Like- like everyone else. I took a shaky breath at the thought. I couldn't lose her... not like I lost everyone else. I had to tell her. But I couldn't. I had a feeling Hecate wasn't kidding about turning me back into a guinea pig. I had to try though.

I laid down, closing my eyes. I felt sleep began taking over and I quickly said a prayer to a certain magic goddess.

I was in a white room. As I looked around, I noticed it kind of looked like a train station, just without the trains. I sat down on a bench, confused at what this dream was. I jumped when I heard a voice behind me.

'Hello Perseus,' the voice said. 'The quest is going well, yes?' It was Hecate.

I smiled, glad she had answered my prayer. 'As good as a quest can be,' I shrugged. 'I had a question though.' I looked at her and she motioned for me to continue. 'Well, during my time at Hogwarts, I've gotten close to someone. And, well, I lost control of myself yesterday and did some pretty bad things.' I took a shaky breath before continuing. 'I'm afraid that once this person find out, they'll leave. I wanted to ask your permission to tell them the truth about me.' I finished, waiting for the feeling of being turned into a guinea pig, but it never came. I looked up and Hecate was looking at me curiously.

'Hermione Granger,' she said, more of a statement than a question. I nodded, relived to still be in my human body. 'She is probably the most brilliant witch of her generation. If anyone should know, it would be her.' she muttered, speaking more to herself than to me. She looked up, 'Thank you for speaking to me about this, Perseus. You may tell her, but be sure she is well aware that this is a matter to be discussed with no one. Should she tell another soul, it will be on your head.' With that, she disappeared, along with the white train station room.

I woke up, feeling extremely excited, remembering the dream talk I had with Hecate. I was nervous too. What if she thought I was even more of a freak? What if she hated me? I shook the thoughts from my mind. I couldn't think like that. I had two whole weeks before I saw her again, so I would have plenty of time to figure out how to go about telling her. I decided to stay in my room again. I didn't want to face the look of horror that would probably be all over everyone's face when they saw me.

I sat in my room for a few hours, twirling Riptide around in my fingers, lost in thought. I heard a knock at my door and I ignored it, just like the others. A moment later the door was slammed open, causing me to jump. Before I could protest, I felt someone embrace me tightly. I looked down to see the brown hair I had come to love. Hermione. Her head was buried in my chest as she held on to me tightly, as if I was going to vanish if she let go. I hugged her back, melting into the embrace. After a moment, we broke apart, staring at each other. She broke the silence, 'Oh, Percy. They told me everything. Don't ever put yourself in danger like that again! I don't know what I would do if-' her voice cracked and I pulled her back into a hug, kissing her forehead. I brought her over to my bed and we sat down.

'So, you don't hate me? You don't think I'm a freak?' I said, looking down in embarrassment.

'Why would I ever think that?' she questioned, an incredulous look on her face. 'I could never hate you, Percy Jackson.' she whispered, taking my shaking hand in hers and giving it a reassuring squeeze. My heart swelled and I knew I had to tell her.

'Hermione. Do you remember that night, after the boggart, when I told you I to tell you everything? Everything about me?' She nodded, looking a bit confused. 'Well, I think it's time I told you. I understand if you- if you don't want to speak to me again afterwards. But I need you to know who I really am.'

Her eyes widened as she watched me, completely still as if moving would suddenly change my mind. I took a deep breath before continuing. I told her about the gods, about camp, about all my quests, about everything, making sure she knew she couldn't tell anyone. She gasped at some parts, laughed at others, and even cried a few times. Once I finished, she just stared at me.

'I know you probably think I'm some weird freak now so I understand if you don't want to speak to-' I started before she interrupted me.

'Freak? Percy, you're the bravest person I've ever met!' she exclaimed! 'You're... perfect, just the way you are.' she blushed and I felt my heart swell as a smile stretched across my face. I quickly pulled her in a hug, holding her tightly until I heard Mrs. Weasley calling out, telling us that dinner was ready. Shit, we had been talking for a really long time. I decided I was done moping around and got up with Hermione. Before we left the room, she grabbed my wrist, causing me to turn and face her.

'Thank you for trusting me Percy,' she said with a kind smile. 'It's good to finally know just how amazing you really are.'

'I try my best!, I grinned, giving her a wink before we went downstairs. Maybe this holiday wouldn't  be so bad after all.

Before I knew it, Christmas had arrived. Mr. Weasley was back on his feet and the house was covered in decorations. I woke up on Christmas morning to the sight of Hermione, shaking me.

'Merry Christmas, Percy!! Come on, we're going to open our presents!' she said happily, practically jumping around.

I met her outside my room and we made our way to the living room, where Harry and Ron were already opening their presents. They greeted us quickly, before turning their attention back to their presents. I watched as Hermione opened her presents. She had gotten some candy and books from Ron and Harry, a funny looking sweater from Mrs. Weasley, and some 'muggle' movies from her parents. She had two presents left, both from me. She opened the first one, which was a book that I had filled with all the advanced spells I knew she wanted to learn, along with instructions on how to cast them. Her eyes lit up, a smile stretching across her face as she thanked me repeatedly. She moved on to the second one, freezing when she opened it. I had gotten her a matching silver bracelet and necklace, with a few attachable charms. There was a heart, the letter H, and a book. She was just staring at it, her eyes wide. Shit, she definitely hated it. I knew it was stupid, I knew- I was broken out of my thoughts as she tackled me in a hug, tears welling in her eyes.

'This is the best present ever,' she whispered, staring at deep into my eyes that I felt my whole body warm up. 'I love all of it, thank you so much Percy!'

I gave her a grin, returning her embrace before turning to my presents. I had gotten a shit ton of blue candy from Harry and Ron, which I eyed excitedly, eating some before I returned to my presents. I had also gotten a funny sweater from Mrs. Weasley, along with some blue cookies, which made me smile, although my heart ached for my mother. Finally, I opened Hermiones present. I found a book inside, one of the ones you filled with pictures. The book was the same color as my eyes, and I opened it up eagerly, being greeted with pages full of pictures of Hermione and I. They were all wizard pictures too, so I saw us laughing, smiling, and joking in all of them.

'I know it's not much compared to your gifts, but I thought-' she began, before I took a page out of her book, pulling her into a tight hug.

'It's perfect, 'Mione,' I said happily.

After everyone had opened their presents, we went outside and spent the day having a snowball fight. We finally came in for dinner, where Mr. Weasley gave a toast to Harry and I for rescuing him before everyone dug in. I noticed Hermione wearing the bracelet and necklace I gave her and I smiled, wishing every day could feel this great.

The days following Christmas went by quickly and before I knew it, we were back at Hogwarts. I had a feeling things were going to start to get very... interesting.

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