The Draught of Peace

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Percy POV:

'Who's Severus Snape?' I asked, surprised at the amount of distaste Harry put into the name.

'He's the potions professor and treats everyone besides the Slytherins like shit. The Gryffindors have it worst, and he especially loves to give me shit.' he spat out, clenching his jaw. 'You know the first time I ever saw him, he was glaring at me? For some reason, that fucking snake has had it out for me since I met him.' he finished, running a hand through his hair.

'Sounds rough, but I'm sure it'll be fun. Potions seems easy enough, just mixing ingredients.' I replied with a shrug. I was also excited to see if my power over water would be any help in potions but I wasn't going to tell them that, of course.

'Check back after the class, we'll see if you still think that.' Harry said with a smirk as he opened the door to the potions classroom. Well it was actually more of a dungeon but whatever. We took our seats and Ron and Harry kept talking about Snape and how shit he was. Hermione rolled her eyes and turned to me.

'Don't let them discourage you Percy. Those two don't put any effort into anything, it's completely exhausting dealing with them. Snape isn't the friendliest and he certainly has some sort of personal vendetta against Harry, but as long as you make the potion decently well he'll leave you alone.' she said, smiling encouraging.

'Yeah, thanks Hermione.' I replied, returning the smile. I was about to say something else when I heard the doors slam open and a man with greasy black hair and long black robes strutted into the room. Severus Snape. The room immediately went quiet as he made his way to the front of the class and spoke, 'Before we start today's lesson, I think it is important to remind you of the O.W.L. that you will be taking at the end of this year. I expect you all to at least earn an 'Acceptable' on the exam, or suffer my... displeasure.' He glared at the boy I met on the train, Neville, as he spoke the last sentence. Holy Hera, this guy was no joke!

'Take out your books and flip to page 394, you will be making the Draught of Peace, a potion that often comes up on your O.W.L.' he ordered. I reached in my bag, looking for the book. Shit. I forgot to get a new one in Diagon Alley. This was going to be bad. I raised my hand and waiting for Snape to look over.

'Yes, Mr. Jackson? What is it?' he said impatiently, looking mildly annoyed.

'Sir, I seem to have forgotten to get a potions book, do you have a spare.' I asked quietly, trying to be as polite as possible.

'I understand you are a transfer Mr. Jackson, but at this school, students are usually required to have the proper materials.' he sneered, before tossing me a beat up book. It looked like it had been through Tartarus and back. Twice.

'Yes sir, I'll be sure to remember that.' I said, trying to sound polite. I looked at my book, an idea forming in my head. I smirked before grabbing a pen - I refused to use the feathers - and flipped to the first page of the book. I wrote 'Property of The Half-Blood Prince' in big letters, smiling to myself. I thought it was pretty funny, as some people at camp would call me the 'Prince of the Sea'. The half blood part was pretty self explanatory. Soon, everyone had started making their potions, and I quickly turned to the right page. I soon realized that I already knew how to make the potion without even looking at the instructions. Must be the whole magic blessing thing from Hecate mixed with my water powers. I immediately began making the potion, not paying any attention to Hermione, who was looking at me weirdly because I wasn't following the instructions. I also decided to write notes in my book, just in case.

The time flew by as I made the potion. I finished shortly after Snape called out that we had ten minutes left. I looked around, watching Harry sweat profusely as he made the potion, which I sensed was not even close to right. Hermione's was pretty good, but needed a little work if it were to be perfect. 'Times up!' Snape called, walking over to Harry with a smirk on his face.

'Potter, what is this supposed to be?' he sneered angrily, yet his eyes were lit up as though Christmas had came early.

'The Draught of Peace,' Harry said, looking like he was trying to stay calm.

'Tell me Potter, can you read?' Snape taunted, earning a laugh from some blond Slytherin boy.

'Yes I can,' Harry responded, gritting his teeth.

'Do you see the third line in your book, Potter? Add powdered moonstone, stir three times counterclockwise, allow to simmer for seven minutes, then add two drops of syrup of hellebore. Did you do everything on the third line?' I saw Harry's shoulders fall as he realized his mistake.

'No.' Harry said quietly, looking down at the potion. Snape sucked the potion into his wand and took five points from Gryffindor before turning to me, leaving Harry looking furious.

'Well, Mr. Jackson. It appears reading isn't a very common trait for the Gryffindor house.' he said, but I noticed he said it almost jokingly as opposed to the cold, hate-filled way he has spoke to Harry. 'Did you follow the instructions and use the ingredients listed Jackson?' he questioned, his face still looking angry but his eyes holding a curious gaze.

'No sir I did not.' I looked in his eyes, green meeting black. I watched as his eyes softened before he spoke. '20 points to Gryffindor for creating the perfect potion using your own instructions. Keep that Mr. Jackson, I expect it'll be the first of many.' he said, giving me a slight smile before walking over to another table. The whole class was staring at me, mouths on the floor.

'What's going on?' I whispered to Hermione, who was also gaping at me.

'Snape hasn't given Gryffindor more than 5 points, ever! And he doesn't compliment anyone, not even the Slytherins!' Ron whispered, looking at me in awe. I just shrugged, 'I told you it wouldn't be that bad.'

After the class finished, I was bombarded by the trio with questions about how I used my own instructions to make the potions, to which I l just shrugged, saying it came naturally. I smiled to myself as we walked to the Great Hall to eat. I was already looking forward to the year, and it was only the first day.

Hermione POV:

What. The. Fuck?? Okay, I knew there was more to Percy than meets the eye, but he just kept surprising me. I thought he was mediocre at magic before we arrived at Hogwarts, but he was able to complete every spell with ease, as though he has done them all a million times before. Not to mention he made a potion from scratch and somehow got Snape to like him?! If that wasn't strange enough, there was the DADA class. Right before Ron was doused with water that had somehow just appeared above his head, I noticed Percy flick his wrist ever so slightly, almost as if he was controlling the water and had made it fall. Was he really that powerful, able to do wand less magic so effortlessly? I'm going to get to the bottom of this. I'm going to figure you out, Percy Jackson.

Snape POV:

The moment I laid eyes on the boy, I knew he was different. Dumbledore has told me he was powerful, but I had just assumed he was going to be some arrogant brat, just like Potter. My opinion was only reinforced when the idiot said he didn't have a potions book. However, as the class went on, I watched him create the perfect potion, maybe even better than mine, not even bothering to look at the directions or list of ingredients. And his eyes. They looked just like hers, but there was something else. They looked... alive, swirling around, almost like the ocean. This boy was special, there was no denying it, and I was looking forward to having someone with such knack for potions in my class.

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