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Percy POV:

The days following our return to Hogwarts were filled with lots of stares, questions, and dirty looks from everyone's favorite toad. Umbitch had been even more strict and uptight towards the trio and I, making life at Hogwarts a lot worse due to the power she had gained. She had even created her own little group of followers, the Inquisitorial Squad, which was basically a corrupt group of prefects. Harry had begun taking lessons with Professor Snape to learn how to block Voldyshorts from his mind, but based off the complaining he did every night, I don't think it was going so well.

We had been back at Hogwarts for a few weeks before things started to go to shit again. I was walking out of Herbology, talking with Neville, who was excitedly explaining something about a plant. I tried to listen but y'know, ADHD and all. I noticed people rushing outside and decided to follow. I opened the door, Neville trailing behind, still talking about his plant. There had to be at least 100 students gathered around, watching what seemed to be Umbitch talking to someone. I pushed through the crowd, finally seeing what was happening. Umbitch was talking to a woman who was standing next to a few large trunks. She looked a bit crazy, I assumed she was the Divination professor, Trelawney, as she met the descriptions I'd been given. I decided to pass on Divination, having had enough prophecies in my life. Trelawney was crying and blubbering, 'Oh, you can't fire me', 'I've been here my whole life', the whole show. Umbitch only gave a fake smile and told her to pick up her trunks and leave.

Before Trelawney could reply, McGonagall appeared in the crowd, quickly pushing through and running to the her side. She pulled her in a hug, letting the professor cry on her shoulder. She turned to Umbitch, still holding Trelawney in her arms, and gave her a glare that would make Lupa proud. Umbitch flinched before regaining her composure and attempting to glare back.

'Is there something you would like to say, Professor?'

'There are many things I would like to say!' McGonagall spat, her glare unwavering.

Suddenly, there was a loud boom behind us. The doors had slammed open, revealing a familiar old wizard. I rolled my eyes, smiling to myself. Dumbledore was just like Zeus, he loved his dramatic entrances. The crowd parted as Dumbledore made his way to the three professors.

'Minerva, please assist Sybill with her things and help her back to the castle,' he said calmly, watching as the two left, leaving a red faced Umbitch behind.

'What exactly do you think you're doing, Headmaster? Need I remind you of the terms of Educational Decree Number 23?' she said, gritting her teeth so hard I thought they might crack.

Dumbledore just smiled, 'I am perfectly aware of the Decree, Professor Umbridge. As High Inquisitor, you have every right to dismiss my teacher. You do not, however, have the authority to send them away from the castle.' he said, giving a little bow, earning a few chuckles in the crowd. 'That power still resides with the headmaster and it is my wish that Professor Trelawney continues to live at Hogwarts.'

Umbitch's face went an even deeper shade of red, as she glared at Dumbledore with such intensity I thought her eyes were going to pop out. 'And what are you going to do with her once I appoint a new Divination teacher who needs her lodging?'

'Oh, that won't be a problem,' Dumbledore said happily. 'You see, I've already found us a new Divination teacher and he will prefer lodgings in the ground floor.'

'You've found — ?' Umbitch shrieked. 'You've found? Might I remind you, Dumbledore, that under Educational Decree 22 —'

'— the Ministry has the right to appoint a suitable candidate if, and only if, the headmaster is unable to find one,' Dumbledore interrupted, looking tired of the argument. 'And I am happy to say that on this occasion so have succeeded. May I introduce you?'

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