The Beginning of the End

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Harry POV:

Sirius was currently battling Bellatrix Lestrange in the strange room with the arch. We had come to the Department of Mysteries, accidentally smashed a super important prophecy, and were now fighting a bunch of Death Eaters.

'Come on, you can do better than that!' Sirius' voice rang out, echoing around the cavernous room as he dodged a curse thrown by Lestrange.

Another jet of light came flying towards him, hitting him squarely in the chest.

The laughter had not quite died from his face but his eyes widened in shock.

I felt numb as I watched the life leave my godfathers eyes. He slowly floated through the ragged veil hanging from the arch. But he would come out of the other side. He had to. He wouldn't leave me. He would come back. He was... he was the only family I had left.

But Sirius did not reappear.

After that, everything was a blur. I vaguely remembered running after that stupid bitch who took my godfather from me. I casted a halfhearted Crucio, but it didn't do much. If anything, Bellatrix seemed to enjoy it. Kinky bitch. It was all a blur, until I heard the sea. My vision cleared as I saw Dumbledore on the floor, Voldemort standing above him, a triumphant look on his face. Dumbledore was holding something to his mouth, blowing on it and making the calming sound of the ocean. That's when Dumbledore was swallowed by the sea.

Dumbledore POV:

I apparate to the Ministry, watching in horror as a man who had so much life ahead of him floated through the entrance to the underworld. Oh gods. This was my fault. If I had just helped Harry, none of this — oh no. Harry. I quickly looked back to where he had been standing, watching as he broke out of Remus' grasp and began running after Bellatrix Lestrange.

I followed, quickly casting Harry away as I saw Lord Voldemort apparate in front of Lestrange.

'It was foolish to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors on their way.' I lifted my wand, preparing myself for the inevitable duel.

'By which time I shall be long gone! And you shall be dead!' Voldemort spat, shooting multiple curses at me, which I swiftly blocked.

I felt myself weakening, even though I had only blocked a few spells. Tom had grown much stronger than the last time we had faced off. Or perhaps I had just gotten weaker. I was many years older, after all. Before I knew it, I was on the floor with Voldemort pointing his wand at me, laughing evilly. The wand that contained the feather of my phoenix. Ready to kill me.  I knew what I had to do. I pulled out the seashell given to me by Percy and blew on it, hearing the ocean around me as I did. I prayed to all the gods it would be enough. Then I was swallowed by the sea.

Percy POV:

I materialized in a large room, my dark hood still on, quickly assessing my surroundings. With a flick of my wrist, water exploded out of the fountain in the room and Dumbledore was pushed away from Voldyshorts, sputtering and coughing but still alive.

'Well hello, Voldy. I've looked forward to meeting you.' I sneered at him, my voice emotionless and cold.

'You dare mock me? You dare, filthy scum?!' he roared back, the slits that were supposed to be his nose flaring. He shot spell after spell at me, but I didn't give a fuck. Every single one broke upon impact and I laughed cruelly as I slowly walked towards him.

I didn't realize it at the moment, but I was told  later that I had began glowing red. I had never gotten the blessing of Ares before, so that was pretty cool I guess. I kept walking towards the ugly snake man, taking great pleasure watching his eyes slowly widen, his nasty face contorting into one of fear.

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