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Percy POV:

Over the next few days, I hung out with Emily a few more times, despite the trio glaring at her every chance they got. It was probably that stupid rivalry but whatever. Neville didn't seem to mind her so I would hang out with the two of them more often. They became fast friends despite their houses. I wanted to invite her to the DA but the idea was instantly shot down by Hermione, who threatened to hex me. I decided not to mention the fact that I could rip her limb from limb without moving.

The trio and I were in Potions making a Calming Drought while Professor Snape walked around, insulting everyone's potions. I had finished mine early and was writing notes in my potions book. I enjoyed doing it and had begun going through every page, adding better instructions and even a few spells I wanted to remember.

'Good work as always, Percy.' I looked up to see Professor Snape looking down on my potion, a proud look in his eyes.

'Thank you Professor!' I replied with a smile, which he returned, not before looking around to make sure no one was watching. Over the year, I'd learned a lot about Severus Snape. Firstly, he was madly in love with Harry Potters dead mother. Second, he was going to become a Death Eater once Voldyshorts went public as a double agent. Third, he didn't like to show emotion. He was very closed off and clearly didn't have the best childhood. Probably why he ended up working for a bald snake man and accidentally ordered the killing of the love of his life! Happens to the best of us, right?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of chairs scraping against the floor. The class had ended and I watched sadly as Neville ran out of the room, nearly in tears. I tried to help him as much as I could but the Professors dislike of Neville outweighed his like of me, and he would immediately throw away Neville's potion if he got even a whiff of someone helping him.

I walked out with the trio, who were complaining about Snape, as usual. I pulled Harry aside for a moment, 'Harry, could we set up a DA meeting soon? I've been bored out of my mind and I'd like to start attending them again.'

He smiled at that before answering, 'I was actually planning on having a meeting in a few days but we could move it to tonight. I'm really excited to teach the Patronus charm. Have you ever done that one?'

I shook my head and he laughed, claiming that the spell was one of the hardest to master and it might be the first spell I'd struggle with. I rolled my eyes as we walked back over to Hermione and Ron who were both giving us confused looks. We waved them off as we went to our next class.

The rest of the day was boring, most days were now. I fell asleep in a few classes, accidentally drooling on Hermiones Charms essay. The back of my head still hurt from the slap she gave me, even though she was able to fix her paper with a simple spell.

Finally, it was time for the DA meeting. The room was buzzing with excitement, with everyone ready to try the Patronus spell.

'Alright everyone! I told you all the incantation for the Patronus spell last meeting and now it's time to put it to good use!' Harry's voice called out, putting a stop to the conversations going on. 'Now, everyone get in a line. You're going to stand here-' he gestured to an X on the floor- 'and attempt to cast the Patronus charm. If you are successful, try to direct it to the suit of armor over there.' He pointed to a suit of armor that was a few yards away from the X.

Harry demonstrated what we'd be doing and there were many oohs and ahhs as a glowing white stag shot out of Harry's wand and ran through the armor. Everyone lined up and tried the spell, with Harry guiding them through it. Most only got wisps of white smoke out of their wands, but Harry told them it had taken him almost a full year to master the spell and not to get discouraged.

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