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Percy POV:

After eating lunch, which I absolutely inhaled, we headed to our next class, Care of Magical Creatures. As we walked, the trio talked about somebody named Hagrid and where he was. I assumed it was the Care of Magical Creatures professor as Dumbledore had mentioned that the current one was only here to fill in. Maybe this Hagrid was pregnant. Is that a thing in the Hecate's domain? I made a mental note to ask her about it if I saw her again.

We came to a stop outside a forest. Dumbledore had told me about the forest. It was called the Forbidden Forest and was home to a variety of creatures, including some of Chiron's more violent cousins. Once everyone had arrived, the professor, an old looking lady that would probably be blown away if the wind picked up, clapped her hands, bringing attention to her.

'Welcome, students. My name is Professor Grubby-Plank,' I facepalmed. Who the fuck came up with these names?! 'and I'll be your Care of Magical Creatures professor for the time being.' she said, giving us a wrinkly smile.

'Where's Hagrid?' Harry questioned from beside me.

'He is on a personal leave and should be back soon enough.' said the professor. I think I was going to call her Grubby. Has a nice ring to it.

'How long is his leave? And where is he?' Harry persisted.

'I do not know the details Mr. Potter. Now if you're finished, I'd like to begin my class.' she replied curtly, indicating that the conversation was over.

Harry looked like he wanted to say something else but I elbowed him. 'Just drop it,' I whispered to him, earning a glare, but he didn't say anything else and turned back to Grubby.

'Now, for the first lesson, I've decided to give you all a treat. I have brought with me one of the majestic beasts, in my opinion.' As she said this, a horse trotted up behind her. With wings. A pegasus! Grubby had good taste. 'Now, I urge you to keep your distance. Even I cannot get within 6 feet of him without being attacked.' she said, taking a step back.

'It's a her,' I interrupted, stepping to the front of the crowd.

Grubby turned to me with raised eyebrows. 'And you are?'

'Percy Jackson ma'am.' I replied politely. 'May I?' I walked closer to the pegasus.

'I wouldn't recommend it Mr. Jackson. It's clear you have a good amount of knowledge on this beast, but I doubt this will end well.'

'My Lord! It is an honor. My name is Azalea. I have heard much about you from Blackjack.' The pegasus spoke in my mind, trotting closer and bowing.

'Please, stand up.' I muttered with a chuckle. Azalea rose and nuzzled her nose in my neck affectionately, earning gasps from Grubby and some of the students. I laughed and rubbed her head, pulling out some sugar cubes from my back pocket. After being around Blackjack for so long, it had become a habit. After she ate them, I turned around to see Grubby was looking at me, eyes wide.

'Mr. Jackson, how did you tame him- erm, her? Nobody has ever been able to get near a pegasi in nearly a century!' she exclaimed, looked star struck.

'I just have a thing with horses I guess.' I chuckled, giving Azalea a soft kiss on the nose. I missed being around pegasi.

'My Lord, would you allow me the honor of taking you for a ride? This school is truly beautiful from the sky.' Azalea said, neighing happily.

'I'd love that!' I whispered, not wanting people to think I was crazy talking to a pegasus. Azalea knelt and I got on, grinning ear to ear.

'Mr. Jackson, be careful! That isn't sa-' Before she could finish her sentence, Azalea took to the sky, flapping her wings gracefully. I whooped loudly, all worries forgotten. She did a few tricks, flipping and twirling around in the air, earning gasps from the students and Grubby down below, while others cheered. I laughed, feeling happier than I had in a long time. I wanted to do this forever. I felt so free. I talked with Azalea as we flew, enjoying her company. I was bummed out when we finally landed back down. I got off of Azalea, giving her a hug and thanking her before walking back to the students who were cheering wildly. Grubby was looking pleased, the class had obviously been a success.

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