The Dream

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Percy POV:

The next few days following the whole boggart incident went by surprisingly well. Aside from a few stares here and there, no one mentioned it. After our conversation, Hermione and I had grown even closer. I was floating in the Black Lake at the moment, eyes closed, listening to the conversations going on under me. One that particularly stuck out was an argument between two merpeople. I was kind of hoping for a fight, it would be very interesting to watch. I began picturing the scene in my head when I heard a panicked voice call out.

'Percy! Get out of there, it's not safe!' the voice shrieked, laced with concern. I opened my eyes to see Hermione standing on the edge of the water, looking worried.

'I'm fine 'Mione, water is like a second home to me,' I said with a smile, feeling proud that Hermione was so worried about me. Wait a second. Why would I feel proud? Does that mean I-

'I don't know, Percy. The giant squid doesn't really like people floating around the lake. You should have seen what happened to the last student who tried that. He was in the hospital wing for 2 months!' she bit her fingernails nervously, snapping me out of my thoughts.

'The squid? Him and I are friends!' I chuckled. The squid must have been listening because I suddenly felt a tentacle under me, throwing me up, earning a shriek from Hermione. Before I hit the water, I was gently caught by another large tentacle. I burst out laughing, the squid laughing as well. I gave his tentacle an affectionate squeeze before he swam back down to the depths of the lake. 'See? Friends!'

She shook her head in disbelief. 'You never fail to amaze me, Percy Jackson.'

I felt my face heat up and I quickly turned around, suddenly very interested in a group of fish swimming around. After a moment of comfortable silence, I spoke up. 'You should come in, 'Mione. It's really nice,' I said, splashing a little water at her.

'Percy!' she laughed, trying to move away from the water, which kept following her until she eventually gave up, letting it splash her. 'I'm not really in the mood to get eaten by a sea creature today,' she said with an eye roll.

'C'mon, I won't let anything hurt you. I'd think that went without saying by now. Pleaseeee?' I pleaded, giving her my famous puppy dog eyes.

Her eyes softened and she let out a reluctant sigh. 'Fine, but if I die in here, I'm going to kill you,' she said, giving me a stern look.

'Yes ma'am!' I said with a grin, saluting her. She rolled her eyes again before taking a cautious step into the water.

'I'm going to get my robes wet!' she complained as she went farther into the water.

'I can help with that!' I swam over and held out my hand. 'Take my hand, I'll keep you dry,' I said with a smirk.

She hesitated for a moment before taking my hand. I immediately pulled her hand towards me, causing her to fall in with a splash. She quickly surfaced, giving me a playful slap on the chest.

'Percy! Now my robes are- they're not wet. I'm not either! What spell is this, I've never heard of such a thing?!' she said with a look of curious excitement.

'Special one my father made,' I said, quickly swimming away to avoid further questions. We swam for hours, talking and joking. Before I knew it, the sun was beginning to set.

'Shit, it's already getting dark!' I got out of the lake, giving my hand to Hermione to help her up. We quickly ran back to the common room but were stopped short at the sound of a cat. We saw the caretaker, Filch, heading around the corner, along with his his cat. I pulled the water molecules out of the air around him, dropping a large amount of water on him and his cat before we ran past him, making an easy escape thanks to my distraction.

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