Goddess In My House

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Percy POV:

I was going home. I decided to vapor travel, a new power I had learned, in which I could use the water in my body and the water in the air to travel anywhere. it was a lot like shadow traveling, just not as... dark. I decided to vapor travel a few blocks away from my house, and walk the rest of the way, giving me some time to think. How could this happen? After everything we'd been through, after all I did for her, she tossed me aside like it meant nothing. Annabeth. Just the thought of her broke my heart, bringing back the image of her kissing that stupid fucking Apollo kid. I snapped back to reality, realizing I had reached the house.

It was nice to be back. For a moment, I felt just like a little kid again, coming home after a boring day from school. Back when life was simple. Before the wars. Before her. I opened the door and stepped inside. I called out but there was no reply. I was expecting this of course, both my mom and my stepdad were probably at work right now. I suddenly felt a tug in my gut, the same one I had felt this morning and I quickly spun around, pulling out my pen at the sight of an old man with strange clothing sitting on the couch. He didn't really seem like a monster, but most don't at first. I had learned that the hard way. 'Who are you and what are you doing in my house?' I snarled, ready to uncap Riptide and send him straight to Tartarus if he tried anything.

The old man raised his hands, smiling warmly with a twinkle in his eye. 'My name is Albus Dumbledore.' he said calmly. I noticed he spoke with a British accent. He continued. 'As for how I am here, Chiron told me this is where you would be. He has owed me a favor for quite some time and I have finally decided to cash it in.'

I put my pen back in my pocket, sitting down wearily. This man didn't seem like a monster, but I was still a bit on edge. 'Alright, what can I do for you Mr. Dumbledore?' I said, sighing.

He smiled again and said 'You can just call me Dumbledore or Albus if you wish, as I consider us equals. If anything, I should be calling you Mr. Jackson!' he chuckled. 'Chiron did inform me, however, that you like to be called Percy, correct?' I nodded, glad Chiron had mentioned that and made a mental note to thank him the next time I saw him. 'Well Percy, he continued, I'm afraid I have come here today with quite a big ask. You see, just as the stories of Greek mythology are real, so are those of witches and wizards. I am a wizard myself. and I come to ask your help in saving the wizarding war from a great evil.'

'Wizards? Why I am not surprised?' I mutter, letting out a hollow laugh. I had a bad feeling I was about to be dragged into another war. As I sat there, Dumbledore explained the wizarding world, telling me about an evil wizard name Voldyshorts, Harry Potter, and some wizarding school named Hogwarts. 'What's with these names? Must be a British thing?' I mused, grinning. He told me about some resistance against Voldyshorts called the Order of The Pheonix and gave me all the knowledge he had on Voldy, including his past and how he had made horcruxes- again with the stupid names- which made him basically immortal unless they were all destroyed. He finished by telling me about his followers, the Death Eaters. 'Does anything have a normal name??' I wondered, trying to soak in all the information.

After he finished explaining and answering my questions, he said 'Now Percy, I've laid everything out for you. As I said before, I've given you information, that to my knowledge. no one is aware of besides Lord Voldemort and myself. And now you, of course. I believe that you could be just what we need to defeat Voldemort. Will you join the Order and attend Hogwarts this year to protect Harry?

I sat there, thinking about the words I knew were coming since I had sat down. This Harry Potter- finally someone with a normal name- clearly has a horrible childhood. Having his parents killed before he was even old enough to speak, being shipped off to live with an abusive family, and dragged into a war at such a young age. He reminded me of myself in a way and I felt like it was my job to help him have a better life than I did. I let out a sigh, hoping I wouldn't regret what I was about to say. 'Alright, I'll come to Hogwarts and help you with this Voldyshorts guy.' As soon as the words left my mouth, a woman appeared beside me.

'Lady Hecate.' Dumbledore and I said, shocked and bit confused. We both knelt, unsure of why a goddess was in my living room.

'Stand, please.' she said, looking slightly amused. She turned her attention to me. 'As you've most likely figured out, the wizarding world is a part of my domain and I don't like the darkness that is stirring. I was actually planning on making it a quest, but it seems Albus here has beat me to it.' she said, raising her eyebrows at him. 'To aid you in this quest, I have some information, along with a gift. First, Dumbledore is one of very few wizards who knows of demigods, and I plan to keep it that way.' she glared at me. 'I'd hate to have to turn you back into a guinea pig...' she smirked. I turned red, embarrassed at the memory. 'Next, you should know that the spells the wizards use don't have much of an effect on you due to the godly blood in your veins.'

I nodded, soaking up the information. 'I understand milady. I can assure you no one will know of my heritage.' I really hoped that would be true. I liked my body and I didnt really enjoy the whole guinea pig thing the first time around.

She continued. 'I hope so. Now, for your gift.' She waved her hand and a beautiful wand appeared. It was made out of some type of light blue wood, with designs of the ocean along the sides. I gazed at the wand, wondering how a piece of wood could look so amazing. 'This wand will give you the knowledge of every spell and will never fail to cast a spell as long as you have it in your possession. I've also enchanted it to return to you, much like your pen. Use it to blend in with the others, as your powers aren't exactly normal to the wizarding community. And remember, if anyone asks, yer' a wizard Har-Percy. Tell them you're a wizard.' she said, clearing her throat. I noticed that when she said that, her form flickered, turning into what looked like a small giant, with a bushy beard and kind eyes. I blinked and she looked normal again. I shrugged it off, watching her disappear.

I turned to Dumbledore. 'Let's go kick some wizard ass!'

Percy Jackson: DemiwizardWhere stories live. Discover now