Professor Umbitch

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Percy POV:

For the first time in my life, I was actually doing good in school. Sure, it was only the first day and my wand was basically doing all the work, but I don't care. It still counted in my books. After heading to the Gryffindor common room once the feast finished, I fell on my new bed, falling asleep almost instantly. Thankfully, being in Hecate's domain was protecting me from my usual demigod dreams so I was able to sleep better than I had in a long time.

When I woke up , I got ready for my classes before grabbing some breakfast which I decided to turn blue again. My first classes were Charms and Transfiguration, which went by easily enough considering all I had to do was say the spell and let my wand guide my hand in the proper motion. I got a few stares because of my wand, which wasn't a normal looking wand I guess. They probably thought it was some weird American thing. During those classes, I sat at a table with Hermione, with Ron and Harry next to us. They seemed surprised that I was able to cast all the spells so easily, although they tried to hide it.

After we left Transfiguration, talking about the lesson and laughing about what had happened with Seamus, who had blown up his teacup instead of turning it into a rat. We all groaned when we realized we our next class was DADA. The Weasley twins had told us about the class and how we weren't actually going to do any magic, just reading. Fucking great. I may be able to cast a spell to translate my books into Ancient Greek, but I still hated reading. This class was going to be really shitty.

We stepped into the classroom, taking two tables next to each other, Ron and Harry sitting together again while I sat with Hermione. After everyone had arrived, I heard a really fake and bitchy sounding voice. Our beloved Professor Umbitch! She began talking about owls, which was some sort of final exam. I thought owls were supposed to be animals but sure, name a test after them. These people really needed to find better names for things. She went on to tell us to put our wands away and take out our books, earning multiple groans from the students. This class was going to be worse than the time I had to listen to Mr. D tell me about every type of wine to ever be made.

After about five minutes of pretending to read, I noticed Hermione had her hand in the air and Umbitch was purposely looking everywhere except at her. I waited a minute to see if she would acknowledge Hermione but she was just looking at a painting of a toad like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Maybe she thought it was strange that Hogwarts had a painting of her? After another minute, almost the whole class was looking at Hermione. I was getting bored again, so I decided to make the class a bit more interesting. 'Excuse me, professor?' I said in the most passive aggressive and sassy tone I could muster. She looked pretty pissed before putting on that fake smile of hers and turning to me.

'Students will raise their hand if they wish to speak in my class.' she replied, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

'Well Hermione here has been doing just that for about five minutes and it doesn't seem like it's really working.' I shot back, giving her a smirk.

She turned red, before averting her eyes over to Hermione. 'I'm sorry dear, I didn't notice your hand was up.' she said in that stupid phony sweet voice, making me scoff, earning another glare from the pink toad. She continued, 'Did you have a question about the reading?'

'Not about the reading, no,' Hermione replied, opening her mouth again before being interrupted by the pink toad, 'Well, we're reading now. If you have other queries we can deal with them at the end of the class.' She flashed a bitchy smile, about to turn away, but Hermione spoke up again.

'I've got a query about your course aims,' Hermione said, looking annoyed.

Umbitch raised her eyebrows before speaking, 'Well - Mrs Granger is it? I think the course aims are perfectly clear if you read through them carefully.'

'Well, I don't,' Hermione replied bluntly. I smiled at the sight of her standing her ground. From what I knew about Hermione, she was usually shy and never questioned the professors. Watching her standing up for herself and not taking shit from Umbitch gave me a a weird feeling in my chest, which I ignored. Probably heartburn or some shit. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Hermione, who was still talking to Umbitch. 'There's nothing in your course aims about actually using defensive spells.' she said, looking as if she wanted to transfigure Umbitch into the toad that she was. A few students started muttering among themselves, realizing that they wouldn't be using spells this year.

'Why on earth would you need to use defensive spells? Do you expect to be attacked in my classroom, Mrs. Granger? Umbitch asked incredulously.

'Well no, but isn't the point of the class to practice defensive spells?' Hermione replied, looking a bit flustered.

'As long as you study your books, you'll be able to perform the spells without error. The Ministry has decided that this is the best way to go about it, learning about spells in a secure, risk free way.' Umbitch stated, looking smugly at Hermione.

Harry decided to join the argument, speaking loudly. 'If we're going to be attacked, it's not going to be risk free!'

'Are you expecting an attack Mr. Potter? And who, pray tell, would want to attack children such as yourself? Umbitch questioned, feigning ignorance. She knew exactly who.

'Hmm.. I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort?' Harry yelled, looking furious. All of the students gasped, making me roll my eyes. Voldyshorts really wasn't that scary of a name.

Umbitch looked like she was going to curse Harry, before she took a deep breath, composing herself. Addressing the class, she spoke. 'Now you all have been told a certain Dark wizard has returned. This is a lie.' she said calmly, flashing the room a warm smile.

I sighed, having had enough of the argument. I knew Harry was about to bring up Cedric, the boy Dumbledore told me about, who had been killed by Voldyshorts last year, and I didn't want him to get punished for it. Time for Uncle Percy to stop the kids from fighting. Before Harry was able to respond to Umbitch, I focused and pulled the water molecules from the air, until I had a pretty good amount. With a subtle flick of my wrist, the water moved above Ron and fell, dousing him with water. I didn't like Ron all that much, so I didn't really feel bad about it. My plan worked and everyone had forgotten about the conversation, laughing and looking around and trying to see who did it. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Hermione looking at me strangely, but I ignored it. By the time the commotion died down, the class was over.

As we walked out, with Ron still complaining about the water, swearing that he would hex the person who did it into oblivion if he found out who it was. I just rolled my eyes before looking at Harry, who was still looking upset. 'Harry, you can't go picking fights with that bitch, it'll end up bad for you.' I said, trying to sound comforting. He merely nodded and kept walking.

'Bloody hell, we have potions next!' Ron groaned, looking even more miserable.

'What's wrong with potions?' I questioned. I thought it sounded pretty cool and was actually looking forward to it.

'Two words Percy,' Harry said, finally speaking. 'Severus. Snape.'

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