The Sorting

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Harry POV:

I wasn't really looking forward to going to Hogwarts this year. After the whole thing with the dementors and almost getting expelled along with all the shit in the Prophet, I didn't think many people would be happy to see me. I guess it makes sense considering I popped up with one of the most loved people in the school dead in my arms during the final challenge of the Triwizard Tournament, which many people blamed me for. How about you go fucking fight Voldemort and see how it goes?

'Harry, we're here.' I was snapped out of my thoughts by Percy, who was looking at me curiously, like he knew what I was thinking. I still didn't trust Percy although I'll admit, he was quite fun to be around. But he's very secretive. Always shuts down any questions about his personal life and he seems to carefully think about his words when asked something, the complete opposite of what he acted like normally. He usually just blurted out whatever he was thinking, not really caring about what anyone thought. As we walked to the platform, I thought about my interactions with Percy over these past few weeks. He didn't seem like he was anything special, in fact, the only magic he had done was turning his pancakes blue and I don't think blue pancakes were going to kill Voldemort. Other than that bit of magic, he acted like a muggle. He always looked amazed with magic, even though he had gone to Ilvermorny for like 5 years. He also refused to wear robes and instead stuck to muggle clothing, normally wearing something blue, although I had caught him staring at some faded orange shirt a few times. Like I said, Percy was weird. There was definitely something strange about him and I was going to figure it out.


Percy POV:

After walking through a wall - freaky, I know - I saw the Hogwarts Express. All around me, there was witches and wizards in stupid looking robes, saying goodbye to parents and getting on the train. After saying goodbye to Mrs. Weasley, who was almost in tears telling 'Ronnie' to behave himself, causing him to turn as red as his hair, we stepped on the train. I was trailing behind the trio when they stopped.

'Harry... um- Ron and I have to go to the prefects compartment. We really don't want to but it's required. We'll catch up with you as soon as we can.' she said, looking apologetic.

'Yea mate, this whole prefect thing is going to be bloody awful.' Ron chimed in, failing miserably to hide his excitement.

Harry tensed up, trying - and failing if I do say so myself - to look unbothered. 'That's fine, have fun.' he said curtly, watching his two best friends walk away. I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, pretending I didn't see him flinch at my touch.

'Hey, at least you still got me, right?' I said with a grin, trying to cheer him up. He gave me a halfhearted smile before walking through the train in search for a compartment. Almost all the compartments were full, so I decided to go into one that only had two people, a boy and a girl, with Harry trailing behind me. As we walked in, the boy looked up, waving at Harry.

'Hey Neville, you have a good summer?' Harry questioned, going to sit down.

'It was fine, nothing too exciting.' the boy named Neville replied. 'Who are you?' he asked, turning his attention to me.

'Percy Jackson, pleased to meet you. I'm a transfer from Ilvermorny.' I greeted him, shaking his hand and giving him a warm smile.

'Oh wow, that's neat!' he replied, looking interested.

He asked me a few more questions before picking up a conversation with Harry. I looked at the girl who was sitting across from me. I held in a laugh, realizing that she had been reading a newspaper upside down since I had walked into the compartment. Now that seemed like someone who was actually interesting. If I'm being honest, all these fancy wizard people are pretty boring, the only entertaining thing being their accents.

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