The Boggart

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Harry POV:

As I watched the others leave the Room of Requirement, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. That had gone... surprisingly well. I noticed Percy was also quite good at teaching, helping Neville cast Expelliarmus with ease, something that probably would have taken him weeks on his own. I had walked around, offering pointers and words of encouragement. The group seemed excited for the next meeting and I was happy with the turnout of today. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to practice with boggarts so I could see Percy's fear. I noticed he visibly paled when I mentioned it, which only caused my curiosity to grow.

After everyone had left, I decided to try something. 'I need a boggart in a trunk,' I thought to myself, crossing my fingers hopefully. To my relief, I noticed a trunk appear in the corner of the room, shaking around a bit. I was glad that had worked because I really wasn't sure how I would've gotten a boggart if it hadn't. I decided I would make sure to stay away from it during the next meeting. I didn't want it turning into Voldemort and scaring everyone off. After all, I was the only one who had seen him and his new body, aside from his death eaters and it was not a pretty sight. You'd think he'd at least give himself a nose. I left the room carefully, ensuring the boggart was secure. The next meeting was definitely going to be... interesting.

Percy POV:

I was sitting at the lake, watching as the Giant Squid talked to a group of merpeople. The Black Lake had so many amazing creatures. I hung out at the lake often and quite enjoyed the sea creatures company. After they stopped calling me Lord, it felt as though I had actually become friends with a few of them. I was snapped out of my thoughts as the trio ran over to me, looking excited.

'Hey guys, what's going on?' I asked.

'Hagrid's back!' they all yelled, practically dragging me to my feet.

'The Care of Magical Creatures professor?' I questioned, not entirely sure who Hagrid was.

'Yes, that's him! We just saw smoke coming from his hut, you should come with us and meet him!' Hermione said excitedly, taking my hand and dragging me towards a simple looking hut.

We reached the door and Harry knocked. The door opened and I instantly flinched back, my hand going to my pocket. He was a giant. Or a half giant? He was too small to be full giant. Looking at the kindness in his eyes, I eased up as we walked into the hut, the trio bombarding him with questions about his face, which looked like he had gotten into a fight with a drakon. He had a large piece of meat on his face, covering his injuries. I looked him up and down, trying to shake the nagging feeling that I had seen him before. There was no way, he had just gotten back from wherever he was. Weird.

The trio kept up with the questions, asking about his injuries, where he was, what he was doing, everything. He tried to explain while also not giving up too much. After hearing his story, I remembered Dumbledore telling me about it during an Order meeting. He had gone to the mountains to party with the giants. Guess it didn't go to well. I knew a little bit about that.

'Excuse me sir- would you like me to heal your injuries?' I said, interrupting their conversation.

Hagrid looked over surprised, as if he hadn't even realized I was sitting there. 'Ah, you must be the lad Dumbledore was speakin' of! I doubt ye'll be able to heal these here wounds, but you can try yer best.' he said with a grunt.

I raised my wand to his face, watching his eyes go wide at the sight of my unique wand. 'Sanitatem maxima.' I said as the words came to my mind, watching as the half giants injuries faded before vanishing completely. Hagrid relaxed, seeming to be cleared of the pain.

'Blimey, Dumbledore wasn't kidden' about ye! Thank ye for that, feels loads better.' he said gratefully, still looking at me with awe.

'Percy, what was that spell? I've never seen anything like it, not even from Madam Pomfrey,' Hermione asked curiously, also looking quite surprised at my use of an apparent rare spell.

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