The Solution

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Dumbledore POV:

I put my face in my hands, letting out a deep sigh. I was really getting too old for this. All summer, I've been trying to convince the wizarding world that Voldemort is back. Most people don't believe me. No. They won't believe me. It's so much easier for them to pretend like everything's fine, unable to accept that the man who made life a living hell for so many has returned. Instead, they call me crazy. They say I'm getting old, losing my marbles. They say Harry is just an attention seeking teenager. I know better though. I knew he would return, and the boy has no reason to lie.

As soon as I heard the news, I quickly brought the Order back together, setting up at 12 Grimmauld Place, which Sirius so graciously allowed us to use. But it wasn't enough. We needed something, or someone, to flip the upcoming war in our favor. I had done everything, pulling every string I could, trying to get people to see the truth.

The Daily Prophet didn't help, as it was relentless, constantly publishing stories about Harry and I, only strengthening the opinions most had about us after Harry appeared with the dead body of Cedric Diggory. I didn't mind, as long as they kept me on the chocolate frogs. Harry was a whole different case. He was just a child, a child who was scared and in pain, although he was too proud to tell anyone. I worried that the constant attacks in the Prophet would only lead him to lash out, letting anger take over and causing him to drift away from the ones he needs most right now.

Then there was the trial. Someone, most likely Lord Voldemort or some of his Death Eaters, has sent two dementors after Harry and his cousin Dudley. After he used a patronus charm to defend himself, the Ministry expelled him from Hogwarts. Luckily, I became of the situation minutes after it happened, and was able to contain the situation and get Harry a trial. I wasn't very worried about it anymore as I knew the case would be dismissed rather easily.

As I sat there, deep in thought, I heard someone walk in. Actually, it was more of a trot. I looked up to see Firenze standing there. I quickly plastered a smile on my face and looked up to face the centaur. 'Hello Firenze! Always good to see you. Have you come with news on the centaurs?'

'Yes, but you mustn't tell them I came... you know how they are.' he said, shuddering a bit, clearly thinking of an unpleasant memory.

'You have my word, this conversation shall not leave this room.' I said, standing up and putting a comforting hand on the centaurs shoulder.

Firenze sighed, looking relieved. 'The centaurs are still neutral. They have not sided with the Dark Lord, but won't side with you either.'

I sat back down, thanking the gods. If the centaurs were against us... I didn't even want to imagine it. 'Thank you Firenze, you may go.' I watched him trot out, still thinking about the centaurs. Wait... centaurs! That's it! That was the answer!

I quickly dug into one of my drawers, finding a small pouch with some strange looking gold coins in it. I took one out and placed the pouch back in my desk. I summoned a rainbow with my wand and took a deep breath. 'Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering.' I recited, flipping the coin into the rainbow. The coin disappeared, and I smiled. I had done it. 'Chiron, Camp Half-Blood.' I said, watching the rainbow shimmer before showing a certain immortal centaur.


Sorry for the short chapter, if you guys want to see anything in this story let me know

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