Diagon Alley

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Percy POV:

I was sitting on the beach at Camp Half Blood. I smiled, feeling at ease for the first time since I had seen her. It was just me and the ocean. The sea never betrayed me. It was always there, calming and welcoming. I could always turn to the water when I had nothing else. It would always be there for me. It was alwa- I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw the tip of a bronze dagger that had pierced all the way through my back to my stomach. Her dagger. My eyes widened in fear as my breathing picked up. I tried to move but I couldn't. I couldn't feel anything in the lower half of my body. I started to fade from consciousness and heard a whisper right by my ear. 'Goodbye Seaweed Brain.'

I woke with a start, practically flying out of my bed, drenched in sweat and shaking uncontrollably. I looked around, trying to slow my breathing once I realized that I was in my room at the Order. I dried the sweat off of myself with a thought and sat back down on my bed, putting my head into my hands. The last few days at the Order have been rough. Along with my reoccurring nightmares, I can tell that most of the people in the house don't trust me. Harry and his two friends act nice but i'm not an idiot. I've seen enough to know when someone's acting fake. It's painfully obvious that they're trying to pry information out of me, thinking I'm an evil spy or some stupid shit like that. The only ones who seem to be truly decent are Mrs. Weasley and Sirius Black. Mrs. Weasley reminds me a lot of mom and even though she doesn't know me, she treats me nicely and even a bit lovingly. I've been told by her husband that they call it 'Molly coddling'. From what I learned about Sirius, he was falsely accused of helping with the murder of Harry's parents, who were also Sirius' best friends. I think he treats me fairly because he knows what it's like to be an outsider, not trusted by many. By the looks some of the Order members give him, I can tell they are skeptical of him too.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the voice of Sirius. 'Percy, you in there?' he asked, knocking on the door.

'Yeah, I'll be right out, lemme get dressed.' I replied, getting up and reaching for my shirt.

'Alright, Molly made pancakes so come quick.' My eyes lit up and I quickly opened the door and ran to the kitchen. I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting at the table, talking about something called... Quid-itch? Ron probably got a rash on his ass or something. I greeted them and Mrs. Weasley, who was standing at the stove before going to sit down. A stack of pancakes flew over to my plate, landing in a neat pile. I smiled, shaking my head. Even though I'd been seeing magic all around the house these past few days, it still amazed me.

I grabbed my fork, about to start eating when I noticed a little seashell design on the fork. It made me think of Mantauk, and I thought about how much I missed my mom and those simpler times where we would just go and have a nice relaxing weekend at the place we both loved so much. I looked back at the pancakes and found myself wishing they were blue. I needed something to remind me of home, of mom, just to remind me that I still had people who cared. People who didn't betray me or die for me. I leaned back in my chair, putting my hands on my legs. I felt my pen in my pocket, but I also felt something else. Something longer. 'Is it really that skinny?' I thought to myself. Wait a second...oh. It was my wand. Oops. I pulled out my wand quickly, an idea forming in my head. I admired it for a moment, the light blue wood with ocean designs carved into still had me in awe. I held the wand up and thought 'I want to turn these pancakes blue.' Caeruleum. The word came to my mind instantly, causing me to crack an excited grin. I pointed my wand at my pancakes and spoke clearly. 'Caeruleum.' As the words came out of my mouth, I felt my wand moving with my hand in a swishing motion. I watched as the golden brown pancakes slowly changed color, finishing at the dark blue that I knew and loved. I was about to pick up my fork again but looked up, getting the feeling I was being watched.

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