Horace Slughorn

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Percy POV:

It had been a month since Voldemort had gone public. The changes to the world were small, but noticeable. Random acts of terrorism on the muggle world, mysterious disappearances, and mild panic among the wizards and witches were just the start of what was to come. Even the air had a gloomy feel to it, as if Hecate herself was warning the world of the war ahead.

I had been at the Burrow ever since the fight, barely speaking a word to anyone. I poured myself into my training, determined to prevent anymore deaths. Sirius Black had been a good man and his death had devastated many members of the Order. Lupin had taken it the worst, speaking almost as little as I was and barely showing up to the Burrow. I assumed Harry was also struggling with the death of his godfather, but I had yet to see him since the battle. I couldn't help but feel responsible for Black's death. I was the one who ran away, I was the one who got captured. I was weak. But that wouldn't happen again. I wasn't holding back anymore. I was a weapon, and a dam good one. I would never be the weak little boy who ran away when things got tough.

I heard a knock on my door, snapping me out of my thoughts. 'Percy? Are you awake?'

It was Hermione. She had tried starting conversations with me more times than I could count over the last month, but all she got was a blank, emotionless stare, accompanied by the occasional head nod. She knocked on my door almost every morning, asking if I was awake and if I needed anything. I don't think she knows that I don't sleep anymore. After Tartarus, I just can't. I don't really understand how or why, but it works for me, I guess. More time to train. Every morning, she would knock. And every morning, she would get no reply. Oh well.

Hermione POV:

To say I was upset was an understatement. I was devastated. The man that I . . . love — yes. Love. There was no other word to describe how I felt for him. The man I love was trapped. Stuck deep inside himself, unable to get out. The man who was here now was only a shell. An emotionless, depressing shell. I tried to speak with him every day, but he never answered. His expression never betrayed even a sliver of emotion. He would stay cooped up in his room most days, only coming out occasionally for food or to go to Order meetings. It broke my heart to see him like this but I wouldn't give up. I couldn't. With a war coming, I don't think I'd be able to make it without him. He was my rock last year, someone who gave so much and never asked for anything in return. Not even help with his homework! Whatever had happened to him when he disappeared had clearly took a serious toll on his mental health. I knew I had to persevere, but he made it so hard sometimes!

Dumbledore POV:

Thalia Grace. An impressive young woman. One of Percy Jackson's closest friends. Molly had informed me of Percy's . . . unusual behavior. I was obviously aware that something tragic had happened to Mr. Jackson during his disappearance, anyone could see that just based off the scars that littered his body. Not a single inch of skin was left unscarred, a truly disturbing sight. I had thought long and hard this last month on ways to help the young demigod. After many ideas, none of which amounted to anything, I decided to turn to someone who knew him much better than I did. Chiron had been his mentor for many years and would surely know to cheer him up.

After speaking with Chiron, I went on a little adventure, looking for the legendary Hunters of Artemis. After many hours, coupled with Chiron's guidance, I found them. I was immediately surrounded by several young maidens, arrows being pointed at me from every angle.

'Stand down. I sense good in this one. He carries the blessing of Hecate.' A woman spoke out, walking past the other girls. She was young, 13 years old, I was guessing. But she had a power surrounding her, more than anything I had ever seen. This was Artemis.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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