Story info.

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Hi! Welcome to Dear Diary!

Before reading this, please note that there are some major deviations from the plot of the books.

Some characters who died canonically won't die in this book, some characters who didnt die in the books will die in this book to replace the characters who didnt die.

Some relationships that happened canonically wont happen in this book.
(Eg Harry x Ginny, Cho x Cedric)

This is nothing against those relationships or the characters in them, it's just for plot.

(Maddy istg- ik your reading this- if you fucking show anyone our messages i will revoke what i said i'd do >:( )

This is a Harry x Reader, except reader will have relationships before dating Harry because- thinking realistically, a first time relationship isn't going to last long.

This book is a slowburnish book, nothing serious is going to happen in the 3rd year because- yk, they children.

I am unsure if I'll write smut in this book (Esp since im advertising this on my tumblr and there was a lil situation w an anon on there) since I dont know how comfortable with it i am. At the moment, the most I'll go or plan to go is making outs and hints towards them doing it- Additionally due to Age of consent in both my country and Britain, any smut/hint to smut scenes wouldnt happen until the 6th year. (SO NO BEING HORNY YOU LIL 8 YR OLDS- this is aimed towards the lil bitch ass anon on my tumblr- fucking horny bitch)

There are quite a few 'Ocs'/ Non canon characters in this book. A lot of them are based off my friends and family members (Aka the lil sis is based of my lil sis- i rlly just wanted to annoy her) of whom all got heavyish contribution into the characters (Except my little sister, get fucked baby sis- jk jk love you)

The reason I made so many non canon characters is because, A. I want the main character to have her own little plot outside of the plot of the actual books because otherwise, those avid fan fiction readers (Like me) will end up reading the same things over and over and over again with little to no changes (Btw if you want a list of ffs ive found where Y/n has her own plot, I'll list them- tho i forgot most of em so its a pretty small list) and that gets boring after a while, and B. I want Y/n to have friends other than the golden trio because honestly, it kind of bothers me when the Y/n in fanfictions have no friends outside of the main love interests friends, like- get more friends bestie.

This book will mention things like drugs, alcohol, racism, homophobia etc so, be warned.

This book also mentions things and characters from Hogwarts Legacy and Hogwarts Mystery so- spoilers to those games (Although probably not too many because i havent actually finished those games yet lmao)

Y/n may seem a bit overly special with the thing i've featured in the book but uh- you- you my beautiful, lovely, ingenious, exquisite reader, are even more specialler so- :)

Alright thats all lovely's, Enjoy the book!

Dear Diary (Harry Potter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now