Chapter 35 - The Plot Thickens

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A small note in the last chapter I named the Kidnapper Joey, which was a mistake so his name has been changed to Jimmy.

Ashton had paced the gym like a mad man as he counted down the minutes before he went after his girlfriend. The fact that Justine had a smug grin on her face didn't ease his worries. Worries that only grew when Isabelle was no where to be found.

The first thing he had done was gather the reinforcements. The next few minutes were spent with the boys and girls of the Revolution (Juliette, Madeline and Isabelle's brothers included) searching the area.

They'd raced around the outer gym area to no avail. If it hadn't been for Joey's keen observations they would have missed the ripped blue material on the school fence.

Twenty minutes full of panicked teachers squabbling, tense conversations and an emergency phone-call later Isabelle's kidnapping was confirmed.

The Homecoming had stalled to a tense halt. The students were being questioned by officers while the teachers closed off the gym area. They had gone into lock-down mode. Ashton was beside himself with worry and Ethan and James weren't much better off either. 

Where could they have possibly taken Isabelle that they couldn't find her? They had to be in the city, that much was for sure. The roads were way too busy for them to approach the highways leading out of town. Obviously the police were well aware of this and had sent out patrol cars but that was all they could do at the moment.

And in the meantime the Homecoming dance had cut to an abrupt end, with the students being sent home with a strict warning to stay at home. Of course Juliette and Madeline were furious but knowing the fiery tempers of the boys they kept their cool. 

Safe to say it was difficult to subdue the anger of Ashton and Ethan and it only got harder when a concerned Brad wandered over. 

"What the heck are you doing here Winters?!" Ashton all but snarled as Brad approached, a scathing glare locked on the quarter-back.

"Look I know we don't get along but right now finding Isabelle is more important than our silly feud okay?" Brad barely restrained himself from spelling out a few cuss words for his arrogant teammate. The only thing stopping him was knowing that riling Ashton up would do nothing to help the situation at the moment.

"He's right, Ashton. We need to start looking for Isabelle or at least keep an eye on Justine. Arguing is not going to help anything" Damien interjects his suggestion being met with murmurs of agreement.

Ashton's scowl gave away his reluctance and it took Juliette's puppy dog eyes for him to finally agree. They spend the next few minutes dividing the surrounding area into sections with the boys being put on look out duty. Meanwhile Lana, Juliette and Madeline will be keeping a close eye on Justine, following and taking pictures of her whereabouts if need be. 


Ethan could barely believe the turn of the night's events. It's crazy to think that just an hour ago he saw his younger twin dancing away on the dance floor happily with her boyfriend. And she was gone. Kidnapped. He should have protected her, he should have kept a closer eye on everything the day she broke up with Brad. 

But he was just so mad. Mad at himself for not being a better brother. Mad at Brad for screwing things up with his sister. And mad at Isabelle. Because she seemed to have forgotten those days she would stay locked up in her room for hours. Just crying, the sound painful to hear. She had forgotten the hours he would stay by the door waiting for her to open up the door. True he gave up too soon. But he wasn't trying to be the bad guy. He just couldn't deal with the complete and utter heartbreak on Isabelle's face every time she saw Brad or Justine. 

He thought that if he encouraged her outcast status at least she wouldn't be bullied. Maybe she would make some friends outside of Lakeview Academy. In hindsight that was the stupidest thing he could've done.

"Nothing here" Brad's annoyed sigh breaks him from his thoughts and he shakes his head. 

"Let's try the beach area, it's a bit of a stretch but who knows right?" Ethan heads to his car and gestures Brad to follow.


Justine couldn't believe her luck. She had managed to make good ol' Isabelle look like a complete and utter bitch in front of the entire school and she had given her a big enough scare to keep her as far away from Brad as she needed.

The only problem was her troublesome friends who had thrown their stupid tantrum and gotten the police involved. It's not like the goons she'd hired were going to be much of a threat anyway, all they had to do was take Isabelle to the woods unconscious and leave her there.

She could find her own way back. The thought has her lips curling into a smirk, one that quickly disappears when a police woman starts approaching her.

Five minutes of questioning later and she is free to go. She looks around for Brad but can't find him, she can only assume he's being questioned. After all with Isabelle out of the picture for now she doesn't have to worry about him getting back with his ex.

The ringing of her cellphone brings her out of her thoughts and she slowly takes the call wondering why he was calling her now. They had already been paid, what more did these idiots want?!

"What?" She snaps into the phone her voice steely.

"Now, now princess I wouldn't speak to me like that if I were you. Not until you hear me out at least" Jimmy's voice filters through the speakers and a flutter of nerves slowly builds inside of her.

"What are you talking about? I've paid you two now what do you want?!" Her nerves enter her tone and she quickly controls her emotions. Taking a quick look around she hurries towards her car not wanting to be overheard.

"Yes you paid us but not nearly enough. In fact I think a few thousand more is in order, whad'ya say?"

"A couple thousand?! Are you out of your minds? What did the chloroform go to your heads?!" Justine shrieks not believing her ears.

"Shut up you little brat. Look if you don't get us the money by eight am tomorrow morning this little friend of yours won't live to see another day. And the first person the police come for won't be us but you, so think fast"

The call is disconnected before she can reply.

This was not how she saw her night playing out...


Published on (7/7/15)

Feel pretty proud of myself for getting this out, I was writing this at the same time as my economics report lol. I know its short but hopefully it gave you a glimpse of what's happening on back at the school.

Thank you to everyone who voted/commented on the last chapter you guys are amazing and I love hearing your feedback :)

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