Chapter 16 - Aftermath

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The video had gone viral in the span of twenty four hours. It was everywhere. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, you name it. Leo wasn't kidding when he said he uploaded it. He had made a fake account and uploaded it on every single social networking website there was. He had even given the video it's own hash tag: #Cheerleadergonewild. It wasn't the most interesting hash tag but it's getting the humiliation across so who am I to nit pick?

The video itself didn't really show Justine's face, we had made it that way, but students at our school would know exactly who she was. Eight minutes long, it showed Justine screaming like a banshee as the water cooler tipped on her, she was so busy scratching her back during one of her routines that she bumps into the cooler and hence, lands up soaked and freezing. It was hilarious, Joey had even edited the video slightly so that it had the comedic touch to it, with the scene of Justine screaming repeating itself like some of the videos on America's Funniest Videos. And to think all it took was some itching powder and a little bit of criminal activity. Okay so Lana only moved her lucky charm bracelet but it was almost stealing.

Walking into school on Monday was a refreshing change, there were no whispers, stares or glares directed my way. Everyone was so busy talking about Justine's epic fail at half time that my presence went by unnoticed. My locker too, was clear of grafiti for the first time this year. The janitor will be happy to see that, poor guy has had to clean the metal for the past two years.

Homeroom was missing the presence of an overly arrogant and malicious head cheerleader and the gossip only thickened from that point on.

'Was she so humiliated she couldn't come to school?'

'Maybe she caught pneumonia after she got soaked on Saturday'

'Is it too late to apply for the position of head cheerleader'  

That one was from one of the Golden Girls who was gossiping- quite loudly- with another cheerleader. It's amazing just how carelessly her friends could turn their backs on her, though I couldn't exactly blame them. Justine was no saint by an means. I look over to Brad to see how he was doing without his girlfriend around and was surprised to see him talking with his friends; a happy, carefree smile on his face. It was an expression that I hardly saw on him anymore and I was taken aback by the warmth in the smile. His blue eyes twinkled and my breath caught in my throat, I had to force myself to turn around and to stop staring. I had gotten over his looks a long time ago so why did it still strike me breathless?


I was actually happy when I walked back home. Yes, it was raining and yes I was walking through various puddles but I couldn't help but grin. Our plan had worked! It was amusing to see Justine so quiet at lunchtime, to top it all off the hat she had been wearing to hide her hair had been confiscated because it was against the school rules. I had to hold back my laughter when I caught sight of her blue curls, the colour was slightly faded and I could only assume that she had tried to wash it out.

The rumour mill had been buzzing the whole day and Brad, the ever supportive boyfriend had laughed in Justine's face when he saw her new hair colour. It felt good to have the upper hand, to make Justine's life hell one bit at a time. Watching her crumble under the prank gave me an immense sense of satisification. It was refreshing to have her humiliated for once. 

My change in mood hadn't gone unnoticed and I could tell that Juliette and Ashton were suspicious and even though I knew I had to tell Juliette the plan eventually seeing as she was my friend, I wasn't sure how. I mean, this could be considered pretty immoral by some people, just a continutaion of the bullying cycle. But then those people had no idea how it felt to be put down in front of everyone, constantly by Justine. And it didn't matter what others thought because I was going to go ahead with it anyway.

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