Chapter 10 - Juliette & The 'Boyfriend'

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"I can't believe you even thought of doing that to me!" Juliette hisses turning around in her seat to glare at me. I sigh sinking into the car's leather seats not bothering to reply, knowing it would only rile her up further.

From the driver's seat Ashton lets out a frustrated groan and switches on the radio letting Paramore blast its way into our conversation. Juliette scowls and reaches over to flick the radio off but he smacks her hand away causing her to huff and look out the window.

I bite back a chuckle as I notice the two bicker, they reminded me of my brothers and I, back when we were close. It was clear to see that the two were close to each other, it made me happy yet nostalgic at the same time. I sigh and pull out my phone as it vibrates with an incoming message, the fifth in the past half hour.

"Who the hell keeps texting you? I thought you had no friends?" Ashton scowls at me through the rear-view mirror and I glare in his direction.

"This coming from the reclusive loner" I mutter before opening the text message not at all surprised to see that it's Ethan texting me with another threat to return home. I roll my eyes and turn off my phone not bothering to reply to him. If I wanted to spend an afternoon at a friend's house then I will, and no amount of threats from my lousy twin brother is going to stop me. Even if that meant spending twenty minutes in a car with Ashton Knight, the asshole I'd come to hate. I'm still surprised that I'm here, when Juliette asked me to come over after school I had every intention of saying no...but then I couldn't stop myself from wanting to get to know her better.

It only took us a couple of minutes to reach the Knight house, the small front yard and white picket fence giving it a quaint feel. There off to the left and the porch steps led to the front door. I got out of the Range Rover, slowly followed by Ashton as Juliette ran ahead eager to get out of the cold. I smile as I see the swinging seat on the porch and the pots of flowers lining the area.

Inside, the house was similar to my own with wooden flooring and a small table for the mail and keys. Juliette led me into the doorway to the right which was the entrance to the living room. I immediately smile when I take in the large bay window, fireplace and plasma television. The room was beautiful and had a homely feel to it. There was a display cabinet next to the bay window with several photos, certificates and other miscellaneous items. Then, in the centre of the wall was the wall mounted television with a DVD cabinet underneath. On the left wall was the electric fireplace which had a very comfy looking rug spread out in front of it, a couch and two recliners were the only other pieces of furniture in the room. Their black material looked extremely comfy and I was eager to sit down but Juliette pulled me away before I could.

"Come on, we're going to my room since Ashton likes to watch his stupid music shows right about now" Juliette explains, leading me upstairs and I simply nod chuckling a bit when Ashton shouts behind us.

"I want to unwind with some music, what's so bad about that?!" As usual he was scowling and I was starting to wonder whether he was physically incapable of smiling.

 Her room was on the right side of the hallway, her name plate hanging on the door. Juliette's room was just how I imagined it, clean cut and bursting with personality. The walls were cream coloured but they were hidden behind the various movie and band posters that she had up, there seemed to be a recurring theme of Taylor Lautner and Channing Tatum...

There was a single wooden bed pushed up against the left wall and there was brown carpeting in the room. A window looked out onto the back yard and there was a wardrobe, desk on the right wall. Juliette pulls out a change of clothes from her wardrobe and mutters something about changing, leaving me in her room to examine the array of pictures that hung above her desk.

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