Chapter 13 - Operation Take Down

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I knew without a doubt that 'L' stood for Lana. The question was, did I want to know what she wanted from me?

My hands tremble and my knees threaten to buckle as I walk towards the arts building, the area was deserted and even though I knew Justine wasn't going to be there, my heart was pounding with indescribable nerves. Lana wasn't scary or evil, at least not when she was just her and not some character off a script. In fact we used to, sort-of be friends a couple of years ago, she was a cool girl to talk to. But we were never close enough for me to be able to decipher her thoughts or what she's thinking, which is why I find it so hard to knock on the black door in front of me, now.

Once I walk through that door I'd have to listen to whatever she has to say, if it's some sort of prank...or worse, then the likelyhood that I'd manage to escape is slim to none. Did I really want to go in there? Did I really want to see what was on the other side and face possible humiliation? I sigh, I already knew the answer to that. I turn around, fully prepared to walk away without another glance back. However things take a turn for the worse when I hear Lana call out my name, the various bracelets on her arms jingling as she walks towards me.

"Isabelle wait!" I squeeze my eyes shut, muttering a curse word under my breath before turning around to face her.

"Lana, hey" I greet with false cheeriness and it's clear she can tell because she smirks and raises an eyebrow.

"Where are you going? The meeting is this way" she points to the door I was just staring at and I blush.

"I know that but I just remembered that something came up...I have to get to work...." I point my thumb over my shoulder and start walking backwards when her hand shoots out, gripping my arm and tugging me back.

Her blue eyes are lit with fiery determination as she pulls me into the drama classroom, ignoring my protests. Her vice-like grip was difficult to escape but I didn't stop trying, at least not until I noticed the other people in the room.

Sitting on the carpeted floor were three boys I never expected to be sitting in the same room. They were discussing something that was clearly annoying them as their voices were raised in aggravation. They hadn't noticed me and I took the opportunity to look around the room. The only furniture in the room was the teacher's desk at the front, and a stack of chairs at the back. A whiteboard stand was propped up at the front. 

I suddenly realise Lana is still gripping my arm and I turn to her "Can you let go of my arm now?"

The boys look up when they hear me but they didn't look the least bit surprised to see me standing there, while I felt like I had just walked into the twilight zone.

"Now that we're all here, let's get started" Lana says, clapping her hands and walking to the front of the classroom.

I stand there awkwardly trying to gather my thoughts as Lana flips the whiteboard on the stand revealing the words Operation Take Down in red marker. The name itself would've just caused more confusion for me but the picture underneath it made my insides freeze. This all suddenly made sense.

It was a blown up picture from last year's yearbook, her red hair was curled flawlessly and her smile hid the malice that resided within her. 

"What is this?!" I ask and by some miracle my voice remained cool and calm. 

"Are you incapable of reading?" Leo asks his voice ringing with annoyance and I turn to him. I guess we're back to hating each other then...annoying git can't be nice for more than a few minutes can he?

"Are you incapable of being an actual gentlemen and not some miserable old sod?" I retort, gritting my teeth. If he wanted to be rude to me then I would gladly return the favour.

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