Chapter 2 - Welcome to Lakeview

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If there was one thing I hated about school (and trust me, I hated a lot of things) then it had to be the crowded hallways. It didn't matter what kind of high school you went to, public or private, crowded hallways were a guarantee and now as I find myself being pushed and shoved by the sea of students, I really wished that once, just once that rule didn't hold true in Lakeview. It didn't help that the majority of the students were going the opposite way to me, making my route that much harder. After getting pushed and shoved I managed to make my way to an exit, the rain had slowed down to a light drizzle and I ran through the senior courtyard in hopes of making it to my English class on time.

By the time I made it to the English block, strands of my wet hair were sticking to my face and were most likely going to frizz in the next hour or two, but at least I was on time. Slumping against the pale blue walls, I close my eyes and wait for the rest of the class and the teacher to get here. It didn't take long before a stream of students came through and took spots near by, each engaged in their own chatter while my presence went ignored. With a small sigh I turn my attention to the door leading to the courtyard where a couple of jocks were mucking around, their jeers and laughter floating in the wind. One in particular caught my eye though, he was walking in my direction his brown hair poking out of his beanie and his hands shoved in his varsity jacket. His brown eyes landed on mine briefly, the contact lasted less than the a second but it was enough for him to acknowledge my presence without attracting unwanted attention. He shifts his gaze away but the corner of his lips turn up ever so slightly, the sight causing my own small smile to blossom. While he goes and stands with his buddies I cast my gaze to the ground thankful that Joey, at least didn't completely shut me off.

The teacher, Mr Gray arrived not too long after, his tall frame ducking inside the classroom. We all shuffle in after him, groups of friends trying to ensure they get seats next to each other, I however secure a seat at the back and quickly notice that the surrounding two desks were left empty. Another benefit of having small class sizes: it makes it even easier for an outcast like myself to be isolated.

"Alright! Listen up while I go over the attendance!" Mr Gray's voice boomed, the deep sound combined with his tall frame was quite intimidating. His hair had streaks of white and his grey eyes were narrowed on a group of especially loud students.

My breath catches as I realize just who, the group of loud students consisted of; the golden blonde hair recognizable even from my, quite disadvantageous viewpoint. Thankfully my seat allowed me to be far away from his sight. After a few more minutes of Mr Gray's yelling, the class shuts up, the threat of after school detention enough to quiet the rowdy bunch.

The teacher's eyes narrow on the blonde haired boy who was now leaning back in his chair, his confidence almost palpable and even though I couldn't see his face, I could just imagine the smirk playing on his lips. He knew he was Mr Gray's enemy number one target from now on, yet he didn't care and I knew exactly why.

As Mr Gray directed his question towards Brad, in the hope that he'd be able to catch the golden boy off guard. I felt a pang of sympathy, the poor teacher is going to be sorely disappointed.

"Mr. Winters perhaps, you would like to start us off? We'll be studying To Kill A Mockingbird perhaps you've heard of it?" The class turns their heads towards Brad who maintained his composure.

"I have actually. It's definitely an interesting read that addresses some important issues such as racism but I'm sure you want the class to form their own opinions after reading the book themselves..." the teacher's eyes narrow but it was too late to hide the impressed and surprised look that had flitted across his face.

The class carries on with Mr Gray handing each student a copy of the book, he looks curious when he sees me sitting by myself but he doesn't question it; offering me a small smile he moves on, his tall figure moving back towards the front of the classroom.

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