Chapter 1 - The 'Golden' Couple

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Walking through torrents of rain wasn't my idea of fun. Getting my wavy hair blown on to my face by the howling winds wasn't exactly a nice feeling either. So, it was no surprise that I was currently grumbling curses on my way to school. My nose was freezing and I could no longer feel my ears or hands, thankfully though I had managed to stay relatively dry due to my large raincoat. Only the cuffs of my sweatpants and shirt seemed to be effected by the freezing rain.

The sound of aggravated drivers and blaring horns could be heard as a long line of traffic trailed beside me. The morning traffic made ten times worse by the crappy weather, in a city like Lakeview sometimes walking was the better option. I smirk slightly to myself at the realization that my brothers are in this very line of traffic and will no doubt be late to school. Oh sweet, sweet karma.  

Considering they made me walk in this crappy weather you can't exactly blame me for not feeling any sympathy for their current situation. Their reputations at school were so important that they didn't give a damn that I, their sister could possibly catch a cold from having to walk in this freezing weather. Jerks. 

Half an hour and several curse words later, I find myself standing at the front entrance of Lakeview Academy, one of the few private schools in the city. It was equipped with it's own security gates at the start of the driveway and once through the gates the road branched off in two directions. The left side led to the student and teacher car park and the road to the centre led to the school's front entrance.

 The red brick building with it's neatly trimmed green hedges, small courtyard, indoor pool and large greens was one of the best private schools in the city. The sports teams and extra-curricular activities that the school held were held in high regard, which only boosted the inflated egoes of the jocks and cheerleaders in the school. I shake the thought of my head not wanting to begin the first day of my last year in high school with such negative thoughts.

 I shrug off my raincoat and shake the excess water off, dumping it into a plastic bag before walking inside the building. First day of the year and as usual the hallways were buzzing with chatter, freshman were looking around wearily and seniors were taking advantage of their new found superiority. The black tiled floors were covered in wet footprints and I knew that by second period several people will be slipping on the slick surface. Thankfully I made it to my locker without falling, it was in the side of the school closer to the arts department a more deserted area in comparison to where most lockers were found, near administration and the front doors. The blue steel locker was already graffitied with the words 'Academy Bitch' , scrawled in a familiar shade of bright red lipstick, it took up most of the door.

Totally didn't see that coming. I sigh as I spin my combination and open my locker to see a note slip out of the otherwise empty storage area. 

  Welcome to another year in hell Isabelle, oh and just a quick warning stay away from Brad, he's mine bitch~Justine

  "Are you freaking kidding me?!" I curse lowly under my breath and crush the note in my hands, even though I expected the harassing from her I didn't expect it so soon in the school year. She could have at least waited until lunch but of course she wasn't going to grant me three periods of peace, it wasn't in her nature. Though even Justine should be able to realise that Brad and I were nowhere close to being in a relationship, but being the jealous girlfriend she is, she made sure to stake her claim. As if he was some sort of thing and not a living, breathing human being. Unbelievable.

The sound of giggling and snickering made it's way to my ears and I clenched my jaw knowing that the rumours were flying already and sure enough when I glance to my left I notice two freshman girls looking my way with snide looks on their faces. I raise my eyebrow and they immediately shut up before the one on the left scoffs.

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