Chapter 24 - Homecoming Preparations

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It was Monday, December the first also known as the start of the dreaded Homecoming season here in Lakeview Academy.

Today, the nominations for Homecoming court would be announced and then the student body would vote-in their Homecoming king and queen who would be crowned at the football game on Friday. I don't bother to put too much thought into it because football and homecoming were two things that I was never good at understanding and I had no desire to either.

Unfortunately the odds were against me considering that Lana wanted Ashton and I to compete for the positions of Homecoming King and Queen. It was my worst nightmare come true. Dressing up and campaigning for a crown that would be useless the minute senior year is over. It seems like a lot of trouble to go through for a plastic crown but considering it meant so much to Justine...Well I just had to take it from her. The Golden Girls were working extra hard to campaign for Justine's nomination and by association...Brad's.  

Joey had generated some campaign posters for Ashton and I already anticipating that we would be nominated considering my popularity had risen up a few notches in the past few weeks. Apparently standing up to Justine twice publicly was gaining a lot votes in my favour. Yay.

Now, sitting in the cafeteria watching everyone buzzing with anticipation for the announcements I can't help but feel confused as to why Homecoming is such a big deal.

As Juliette and Madeline discuss the possible nominees and the upcoming homecoming dance Ashton shuffles closer to me on the bench.

"So...homecoming queen huh? Got a dress planned out yet Belle?" He smirks at me as I chew on some fries glaring at him from the corner of my eyes. He managed to figure out my distaste for social gatherings such as this one, especially my hatred for shopping for dresses. And the jerk was using it to his advantage. But two can play at this game and I was willing to bet it wouldn't take long to piss him off.

"You know what I was wondering Ashton?" I ask him, twirling a strand of hair as I lean closer to him. 


"I was wondering whether I should make you wear a pink tux or a rainbow one....what do you think?" I grin at the scowl lighting his face and kiss him on the cheek, remembering the fact that we're meant to be dating and we had quite a few stares looking our way.

"Just for the record, you couldn't get me to wear a stupid tux. Nothing in this world will make me wear that damned penguin suit" he mutters in my ear knowing how distracted I get when he does that. It takes me a few seconds to realize that by doing so he's managed to steal some of my fries causing my to smack him upside the head.

 "Do not touch my food" I scowl at him and he grins.

"But baby, I was only doing you a favour. I mean, you don't want to put on any more weight before Homecoming do you?" the mischievous glint in his eyes told me he was only doing this to rile me up and damn him it was bloody working.

"Aww pumpkin how sweet of you....You know what? Since you're such a kind, caring, considerate boyfriend I'll return the favour" I smile slyly as I lean towards him for a supposed kiss and while his gaze was directed towards my lips I snatch his bottle of Coca-Cola.

"Do you know how much sugar is in this? Far too much...and you don't want to be slower than normal at the football game on Friday do you?" I smirk victoriously at his dazed and yet annoyed look and turn to face the girls again, both of whom are staring at the two of us with identical wicked smiles on their faces.

"Well, one thing's for sure. The two of you have my vote for Homecoming" Madeline grins, her hazel eyes darting between the two of us. Juliette nods beside her, drinking her lemonade with a sly smile on her face that instantly makes me wary.

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