Chapter 4 - New Arrivals

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Waking up on Monday mornings had to be one of the most difficult tasks in the world, it didn't help that on this particular morning the events from last week came back to haunt me. Despite the whole fiasco in the cafeteria on Monday Justine hadn't made a move to get back at me. In fact the whole week had gone by quite smoothly. Too smoothly. It was weeks like that, that made me truly worry on what plan she was concocting in that evil brain of hers.

I had spent the week furiously looking over my shoulders and checking bathrooms for her presence, I was so paranoid that she'd take revenge. I don't think I relaxed at all the whole week and I wasn't the only one. Ethan's anger only grew as the days ticked by, he knew as well as I did that the punishment for my actions grew more vengeful as the days went on. And with his reputation on the line he couldn't risk me getting myself into any more trouble, especially since everyone knew I was his sister.

After getting showered and dressed into some loose jeans and a baggy jumper I shovel down some cereal, the food tasting like cardboard in my mouth. The taste ruined by the worried thoughts racing through my head. A tense silence haunted the kitchen as my brothers and I ate, the absence of my parents emphasizing how the boys and I had drifted from one another. Quietly I wash my dishes before gathering my things and walking out the door, the urge to skip school growing as I walked. But I knew that would only make things worse so I tell myself to just breathe, to forget about all that happened and to focus on my studies because in the end that's all I can do.

Twenty minutes later and I was entering the school building only to find that the place was in a flurry of gossip and whispers, the rumor that the academy was to be host to two more students creating a buzz in the halls. Frowning in confusion I walk down the halls past the crowd of students, a new student was rare enough at a private school, but two was just odd. I freeze as I spot Justine and her friends walking my way but let out a sigh of relief when she casts a dismissive my glance my way before ignroing me all together. Safe for another day I guess.

After heading to my locker I start the walk to homeroom, dragging my feet along the way. I was almost there when a freshman bumps into me; too focused on her friend's chatter to notice me walking by.

"Excuse me!" she sneers looking towards me and I immediately bristle at her tone. When I turn to look at her, I recognise her immediately. She was the same girl that was hanging around my locker on the first day of school. Figures that I would end up bumping into her again.

"You're excused" I smirk at her wide eyes and raise an eyebrow. "Though a word of advice honey, I wouldn't put so much eyeliner around your eyes. The raccoon look isn't for you"

Her mouth gapes open and I raise an eyebrow, silently challenging her, when I receive no response I smirk before walking away, my head held high in the air.

The guilt didn't kick in until I sat in my usual spot in homeroom, my insides coiling in disgust at the way I acted. I can't believe I just did that! That wasn't like me, I didn't just insult people for the hell of it. That was Justine's job and now, I've stooped to her level. How does that make me any better than her? Justine's constantly putting others down, probably because squashing people's self confidence makes her feel good about herself. It was something I always hated about her and here I am doing the same thing. It's not right and I know that if I don't apologize to that freshman this guilt will be gnawing away at me the whole day. Cursing I quickly run out of the classroom ignoring Miss Morrisson's look of surprise.

I don't know what I was expecting as I ran through the hallways hoping to catch a glimpse of her face, the probability of finding her right now was so small. Yet it didn't deter me as I continued to look around the crowds, the weird looks people were throwing me not phasing me in the slightest. Weird looks were second nature to me now. I finally found her in a block of bathrooms on the other side of school, she was washing her face, her eyes red when I walked in. My heart squeezed almost painfully and I cringe as I walk up to her, her friends were nowhere to be found so I take the opportunity to apologize before I get verbally abused by her buddies.

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