Chapter 22 - Furious

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"Nice of you to join us Isabelle. It's been awhile hasn't it?"  Justine's cold brown eyes stare into my own as I slowly pull myself up from the floor of the changing rooms. These weren't the ones attached to the gym, these rooms were the ones on the field to be used for football and soccer games. I don't even want to know how these guys managed to unlock this facility.

Justine wasn't the only one in the room, next to her were three lackeys. Felicity, Jade and Sasha all standing around me in a tight little circle. How very cliche. Felicity was the only one aside from Justine who looked excited, a wide smile on her face as she looked at me. The others seemed not only reluctant to be here, but nervous too. I continue searching the room hoping that my gym bad was here somewhere and am relieved when I see it in the corner of the room, at least the jock saved me the trouble of searching for it.

I push all that aside as I stand up with my back straight and head held high, I was not going to appear weak in front of these idiots. With that resolve in mind I don't flinch when Justine's hand slaps my cheek with a surprising amount of force. 

"You little bitch! Who the hell do you think are? Flirting with Brad behind my back? Don't think I don't know what you're doing!" her words echo around the room and surprising them all I laugh, a fake and bitter laugh.

"Are we still stuck on that? Bloody hell, Justine! I'm not after your stupid boyfriend! Why would I want your sloppy seconds anwyay...I mean you clearly enjoyed mine since you dated him after me..."

I'm cut off by another slap as she growls and steps closer to me, she raises her hand again but this time I stop her. Gripping her wrist tightly I spin her around and pin her arm, the other Golden Girls shuffle closer but I stop them with a cold glare.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you it's rude to interrupt? Anyway, like I was saying...Brad and I were the original golden couple. And you know why Justine? Because unlike you I wasn't a vile, controlling bitch. I actually liked the guy, I mean, it makes sense why he's still running after me doesn't it? Who in their right mind would like to date a two-faced, backstabbing girl like you?"

 I sweep my foot under hers' causing her to stumble forward and with my grip on her arm I stop her from slamming face first into the concrete an inch or so.

"You know you four losers really shouldn't let the power get to your head, overconfidence is the one thing that can break you"  I let go of Justine and turn to face Felicity who was advancing with a nasty glare on her face.

"Looks like the kitten has grown some claws...but you seem to be forgetting the power the four of us hold Isabelle"  She raises an eyebrow and twirls a strand of my hair with a malicious smile on her face before she tugs hard.

Scowling I slap her hand away and hiss with barely restrained venom "I'd be careful holding that over never know the student body may just choose to throw you off your fricking thrones"

I smirk and walk over to my gym bag, strapping it across my body and tuning out the sound of laughter behind me. You know the laughter you here in movies? The one where the villain is turning slightly crazy or sadistic? Well, that's how Justine and her crew were laughing as they appraise me with cold, calculated looks. 

"Please, who would replace us? You?" Jade scoffs examining her nails with a bored expression on her face.

"Let us make one thing very clear Isabelle, you will never be popular and you most definietly won't kick us off the social ladder no matter what you do. So get that stupid idea out of your're an outcast; always have been, always will be. And that will never change" Sasha glares at me openly before walking out of the changing rooms with Jade on her tail. 

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