Chapter 14 - Mission What?

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Lana was uncharacteristically quiet as we walked to the closest bathroom, all I could hear from her was her quiet sniffling. Her head was bowed down so I couldn't see her eyes but I knew that they'd still be brimming with tears. The thought causes a burst of anger to flow through me, my hatred for Justine only growing. Every time that I start to think she can't get any lower, she does something as vindictive and evil as this. I glance at Lana in concern,who was chipping the paint off her nails, not looking up from her hands, it was like she had receded into her non-existent shell. Once we enter the bathroom she starts bawling.  

 "You s-shouldn't have don-e that Isa-belle. Not for me" Lana sobs and I stand down next to her wrapping my arm around her shoulders as a weak form of comfort. I can't have her blaming herself, especially not for something as stupid as this. I stood up for her because even though I didn't want to help with her plan to take down Justine, she was still an old friend and she didn't deserve that humiliation.

"Yes, I did. You didn't deserve that Lana, heck no one deserves to be publicly humiliated like that. I'm sorry I didn't help out sooner, I just didn't realize what was going did it start anyway?" she doesn't respond and continues crying, my arm tightens as a response. It takes her a good five minutes to calm down, I guide her over to the sink and pass her some paper towels while she washes her face. Once she's done, she looks good as new, aside from her red rimmed eyes.  

"The bitch was just angry because she tried out for the school play, Romeo and Juliet, and lost the main role to me. So of course when she sees me in the cafeteria she blows her top. I don't get it though. She's never tried out for a play before! Why the hell does she even want the role anyway? When has she ever loved theatre?" Lana's mood swing takes me by surprise but I listen as she rants, making sure I'm a safe distance away so that I don't get hit by her arms. She was gesturing wildly as she spoke, her movements jerky. 

"I don't-"  

"I'll tell you why! She knows how much I wanted to be in the play so she purposely auditions! She may not love acting but it's all about publicity for her, spreading her presence into all the school areas. Next thing you know the bitch will be trying out for the mathletes, not that the idiot has a brain" Lana seethes and I struggle to come up with comforting words. As she continues ranting I realize that this is what she needs, the chance to just let it all out and have someone listen to her complaints.  

"Dammit Isabelle! All I want to do right now is to punch that barbie in her face and hopefully knock out some of her teeth" I can't help laughing at that and Lana's face lights up in a smile. She soon dissolves into giggles and hooks her arm through mine. The tense atmosphere vanishes and we spend a good few minutes giggling to ourselves.

"Thanks for being there Izzy, you're the best" I just smile awkwardly at her but don't shrug off her arm. Would I call us friends? I mean, we may have been once upon a time, but now?

 "What are...acquaintances for" She frowns at that, stopping me from walking any further.  

 "We're not acquaintances, Isabelle we're friends. Even if I'm a really crappy friend" she smiles apologetically at me and I shrug, I knew she wanted to help me out in the past. I wasn't going to hold that against her, I'd probably have done the same thing. 

We finally exit the bathroom only to find Damian, Leo and Joey leaning against the opposite wall with grim looks on their faces. The two of us stop in our tracks and they look up at us in alarm.

"Everything sorted?" Leo asks and I nod, absentmindedly. 

"Justine's furious, she's literally plotting you're funeral right about now" Joey states and I swallow harshly, the need to run back into that bathroom and lock myself up in a stall surging through me. It's pathetic and I hate this weak feeling I get but it's second nature to me now. Insult Justine, then run for the hills cursing my own stupidity. It's almost as if Lana could sense what I'm thinking because she tightens her grip on my arm.

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