Chapter 11 - Fiesty Madeline Makes An Appearance

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Holey guacomole guys, over 500 reads and 50 votes?! Seriously fan-girling over here thank you so much, virtual hugs and cookies to all :D


Waking up on a Saturday morning to attend a track meet was not my idea of fun. Especially not after last night's disaster, my parents almost had a fit when they heard Ethan and I shouting at each other. Suffice to say the both of us suffered an hour long lecture on respecting each other's privacy and to act more like a pair of siblings and not like a pair of enemies. Yeah right. I had to hold myself back from stabbing Ethan's hand with my fork at dinner when he asked my parents whether he could invite Brad over for dinner on Sunday.

Bastard. Just thinking about it got me all angry and flustered. I quickly shower and change into a pair of black shorts and a sports bra wearing a tank top and jacket over it. Tying my hair up into a high ponytail, I tighten the hair band before dumping my phone and wallet into my duffle bag.

"Making children go to school on a weekend should be a crime" I grumble as I walk into the kitchen to fill my water bottle. I was the only one up, even though it was nearing eleven in the morning. My parents like to take advantage of being able to sleep in on the weekends since they often got up early for work and my brothers usually didn't wake up until it was at least one in the afternoon. Usually being the operative word.

I could hear some shuffling upstairs before footsteps neared the kitchen and James appeared, looking like he'd just run a marathon. I raise an eyebrow at him, pouring myself a bowl of cereal before taking a seat the island.

"Going somewhere James?" I shovel some cornflakes into my mouth.

"Actually, I was going to go with you to your first track meet. Moral support and all that..." he shrugs carelessly as if he does this on a daily basis and I almost though a spit take. Choking down my breakfast I stare him down.

"Are you sure it has nothing to do with you and Ethan wanting to know whether I'm meeting up with Ashton?" He scoffs biting into his toast as he looks at me, his blue eyes glinting with annoyance.

"I'm not lying! But can you blame us for wanting to know if you're dating that guy? You're our sister for goodness sake's" I narrow my eyes at him not liking his defensive stance.

"Yeah, because the two of you have been such great brothers lately" Finishing off my breakfast I stand up and place the dishes in the sink, grabbing a couple of muesli bars for later. "Well, if you insist on coming get your butt in the car. We leave in five minutes"

Now that I didn't have James analyzing me I allowed a small smile to form on my face, he may not admit it but I do know that he cares. He wouldn't sacrifice his sleep if he didn't. Humming softly I grab Ethan's car keys and walk to the garage unlocking his blue Honda civic and taking a seat behind the steering wheel.

After adjusting the rear view mirror and seat I wait for James, switching on the radio as I do so. He arrives, not too long after dressed in a hooded jacket and track pants. We drive to school in silence, which was a good thing since my heart was pounding with nerves. I hadn't driven a car for a long time so I was a bit rusty, not to mention that I was going to a track meet full of people who probably hated me. So overall I was feeling just peachy.

"Calm down Isabelle, it's just a track meet. All you have to do is run your best time, to hell with everyone else" James says as I park the car and I stare at him in surprise.

"You're a really crappy motivator J, because that does not stop me from freaking out" I mutter grabbing my duffle bag from the backseat. I can hear him laugh and a scowl forms as I glare at him. It's not funny at all, I'm being forced to attend this stupid thing for the rest of the season. I'm going to be completely shunned by everyone else on the team.

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