Chapter 5 - Madeline And Leo

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Biology was a blessing in disguise, I mean sure I was failing the subject and it was dragging down my grade point average but it was free from a certain pair of cousins who, in a short amount of time had turned my world upside down. I actually had a smile on my face as I peered down the microscope to look at the plant cells underneath. Even the headache that was appearing as a result couldn't dampen the happiness I felt.

"Um, excuse me but Mrs Gilmore said that we have to share a microscope" A voice sounded next to me and I jump, startled. Standing beside me was a tall, slender girl with light brown hair that cascaded down her back in waves. Her almond shaped eyes, were a light brown colour and were currently trying to hide her amusement at my actions.

"Oh, um sure" I awkwardly pass the microscope to her and watch as she fiddles with it, working the knobs to bring the image to focus. I waited until she had written down the answers to the first few questions before sliding the microscope back to myself and doing the same. The awkward silence that hung made it that much harder for me to focus and the fact that this girl clearly knew her stuff was quite intimidating.

I was still scribbling down the answers when she spoke.

"I'm Madeline by the way, I don't think we've ever spoken before" she casts me a quick, small smile before turning her attention to her friends who were waving at her from across the room. What was I meant to do now? Was I meant to introduce myself? Ignore her? Was she just trying to be polite? Dammit it's been years since I've socialised with kids my own age and I have no idea what I'm meant to do.

Thankfully I didn't have to think too hard because Madeline made the choice for me, she slips a piece of paper into my notebook before walking off to see her friends. I stare after her, completely baffled before reading the slip of paper.

"I know we're not close or anything, but if you ever need any help with homework or want to talk feel free to email me. And I'm sorry, really, that I don't have the guts to do this in front of my friends. I hope you understand"

She had written her email address underneath and as sweet as the note was it just pissed me off that everyone seemed to be thinking of me as some sort of charity case. So I didn't have many friends, big deal. Highschool will soon end and I'd be able to start a new life where no one sent me hateful looks or notes and where I wasn't the social outcast. I was half tempted to scrunch the note that the do-gooder Madeline gave me but something held me back and I ended up slipping it into the pockets of my ring binder.

The class ended with everyone rushing to pack up and Madeline cast me one last glance before she slipped out of the room. I make my way to Calculus only to notice Juliette was sitting next to Ethan instead. Judging by Joey's gloomy face I could only assume that the teacher put her there in order to split my brother and Joey up.

The class drags on and I find my gaze drifting to the pair more often than not. From my position at the back I could tell that whatever they were discussing had a serious tone judging by Ethan's expressions. I watch on for a few more minutes before Ethan looks my way and catches my eye, he furrows his eyebrows briefly before turning to face Juliette again.

I bite my lip, wondering what they were talking about and whether or not it had anything to do with why she wanted to be my friend. I shake those thoughts out of my head and try to focus on the work in front of me. That turned out to be harder than I thought, with my eyes constantly wandering towards the two, the intense argument seemed to only grow until their voices were loud enough to attract the attention of the teacher. 

"Mr Storm, Miss Woods would you like to share the avid discussion the two of you are having?" Mrs Reese scolds, her beady eyes narrowed on the two. Her graying hair was pulled back into a tight bun and her paisley dress stick out like a sore thumb.

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