Chapter 17 - Repercussions

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What was he doing here?

How the hell did he even know where I lived?

I call out his name again when he continues walking, thinking that he hadn't heard me the first time. However it quickly becomes apparent that he is only ignoring me to get on my nerves and instead of spinning around and heading back inside like I should have, I end up jogging to catch up to him.

He was as stiff as a board as he walked along, his broad shoulders tense and his fists clenched at his side, when he doesn't turn his head to acknowledge me my irritation only grows and fed up, I latch onto his arm pulling him to a stop.

I'm beyond shocked when he turns around and the first thing I notice is the bruise surrounding his left eye, the area puffy and red. A gasp leaves me before I can contain it and his grey eyes stare into my own but they were no longer a light grey but instead almost black in colour. I bite my lip as I take in the bruise forming along his jaw and his laboured breathing, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"Done gawking Storm?" he hisses and I flinch, averting my eyes. Questions were swarming my mind, I didn't know where the bruises came from but they looked painful. Last I saw him, he was at his locker afterschool looking perfectly happy, so what the hell happened between now and then and why did he come to my house?

"Why were you outside my house?" I ask trying my best to not let my eyes linger on the bruise.

"We need to talk, about Juliette" he mutters and I nod, only just realising that my hand was still wrapped around his arm. I hastily retract it and jerk my head in the direction of my house.

"Come on then" the walk back is spent in a tense silence and I kept sending glances Ashton's way. He looked thoroughly pissed off, his jaw and fists were still clenched and it didn't seem like his anger was going to deflate any time soon. I felt awkward and uncomfortable to say the least. I didn't have much experience in guys or friends so I wasn't really sure how I was to approach this situation. The little friendship skills I picked up in freshman year weren't going to be much help now.

We walk through my front door and immediately the sounds of my brothers arguing could be heard. I roll my eyes and lead Ashton up to my bedroom, slightly uncomfortable as I do so. The only guys that have been up here are my brothers, my dad and well..Brad. I fiddle with my fingers as I take a seat on the bed and pull the chair near my desk for Ashton to sit on.

"So...what happened?" I ask as Ashton takes in his surroundings, his mouth turning up into a little smirk. My questions however brings a scowl on to his face.

"You. You happened" he hisses and I recoil in shock. I hadn't done anything to hurt Juliette. She had become a close friend of mine, why would I want to hurt her? When I tell him this he lets out a sarcastic laugh and shakes his head, clutching his hair.

"Oh, but you did. Juliette stood up for you today, afterschool she went straight up to Justine and called her a cowardly bitch for picking on you. And do you know what Justine did Isabelle" he seethes his eyes boring into mine and I shake my head.

There was a sob stuck in my throat but I choke it down. No, no I don't know what Justine did but I can only imagine it was something cruel and vile. There was a buzzing in my ear and even though Ashton's mouth was still moving I couldn't hear his words, guilt was gnawing away at my stomach as he kept telling me about Juliette's humiliation. Bile was rising in my throat, I was disgusted by Justine's actions, by her cronies but most of all by me.

If I had just avoided Juliette, if I had never spoken to her in the first place she wouldn't be in this position. She wouldn't have had people in the hallways laugh at her while Justine slapped her, she wouldn't have her picture racing across social networking sites. A cry escapes me when Ashton shows me the picture of Juliette covered from head to toe in pasta sauce.

To anyone else it may seem like a minor prank, just something high school girls do to one another. But it was so much more, it all starts from here. Slowly this measly picture will transform into nasty rumours, friends will desert you and then you'll be...all...alone.

I look up from my tears to see Ashton's face as stoic as ever, no trace of emotion in his eyes as he assesses me. I blubber an apology but I can't tell whether or not he hears me, my head drops into my hands and I sob as it all becomes too much. Juliette's life is ruined and it's all because of me.

I don't look up as I hear footsteps, thinking that Ashton was seeing himself out as I continue blubbering like a baby so I'm surprised when I feel something poke my arm. I look to my left and see him holding out a box of tissues, I sniffle before pulling a couple of tissues and wiping away the tears and snot. I was not a pretty crier.

"Crying isn't going to solve anything" he says brusquely "But revenge will"

My head snaps up and I stare wide-eyed at Ashton as a mischievous smirk plays on his lips.

"Hope you're ready to be my fake girlfriend Isabelle"


Posted on (27/9/14)

Surprised anyone? It's a short chapter but I just really wanted to end the chapter here :) Not entirely happy with this chapter but no matter how many times I rewrite it, it doesn't come out how I want it to.

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