Chapter 7 - Revenge, Is A Dish Best Served Piping Hot

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When I walked to school this morning I wasn't expecting anything different than the tedious seven hours I'd been subjected to for the past four years. I was hoping to pass the day idly staring at the posters on the classroom walls. I had stupidly forgotten the incident that occurred on the first day of school and consequently I had let my guard down. 

I thought that the whispers flooding the school were the usual rumours that bounced around the school, in hindsight people were paying way too much attention to me. Now, I knew why. Justine had retaliated, finally getting her revenge for the snarky comebacks I had shot her way last week. It seemed that she didn't know the phrase 'Revenge is a dish best served cold' , in her mind it probably went something along the lines of  'Revenge, is a dish best served piping hot' .

I stare at the pool of letters surrounding my feet, white ink on black paper the meaning of the words written, causing a sob to rise in my throat but I choke it down. There were still a few papers left in my locker, the ones that hadn't tumbled out once I unlocked the metal door. I sigh as I pull them out and throw them on the floor taking the necessary books out instead. The snickers that filled the halls drowned out the sound of my quiet cussing as I crouch down picking the letters up, the words jumping out at me the minute I do so. I try not to read them but they catch my eye and each word weakens the resolve currently holding my tears in place.

Slut, Fat, Bitch, Ice Queen are just some of the words that stare up at me.

There is a crowd surrounding me now, among them is Ellie and her friend, both looking at me with pity and I bristle. That's the worst look, the pitying one that makes you feel like complete and utter crap. I had received looks like these plenty of times over my time at Lakeview Academy and I hated it . I quickly chuck away the remaining letters and stand up mustering all my courage and strength to keep my head held high. I scan the faces, until I land on the one who orchestrated this whole prank. While the prank itself may not be extraordinary; the humiliation that came with it, was degrading and she knew it.

She wore a smirk on her bright painted lips, her arms crossed over her chest. She cocked her hips and raised an eyebrow, I take a look at her crop top and mini shorts outfit and cringe in disgust. I was out of comebacks, my mind completely and utterly blank. The only thing I could think about right now was escaping this crowd so that I could find an empty bathroom stall to cry in, all I had to do was wait for Justine's verbal onslaught to be over.

"Damn Isabelle those are a lot love notes" she sneers before casting a look at the papers that are in the bin and laughing "Oh wait, those aren't love notes they're hatemail. How silly of me to get the two confused"

"Stupid would be a better adjective" Justine shoots daggers my way before realising it wasn't me who had spoken. She and I turn to our right to see Juliette storming our way her boots clicking against the tiles. She was dressed impeccably as always, in a dark blue coat and woollen leggings that hugged her long legs. Her brown hair was tied back into a bun making her look even more graceful and elegant than usual.

She had gathered the crowd's attention by now, her ever-present smile was no where to be seen. In fact, her eyes were a dark chocolate brown shooting daggers at Justine and a scowl marred her beautiful face.

"Excuse me?!" Justine's voice was laced with venom and I suddenly came to my senses. Juliette was furious, I had no idea why but that wasn't important. What was important however was that she was provoking Justine and that was like walking into a cage full of lions, unless you wanted to be eaten you just didn't do it.

"Juliette calm down" I quickly spoke up before Juliette could get herself into any more trouble but that only seemed to piss her off even more as she turned to face me her eyes narrowing in disbelief.

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