Thank You

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Dear Reader,

This is a thank you from your humble author for all the reads, votes and comments you have made throughout the year. For all the fangirling over #Ashelle moments to the hating on Justine and Brad, the support and best wishes for Isabelle as she struggled through the story. Its a surreal feeling watching the number of reads,comments and votes tick up everytime I log on. Lakeview's Outcast has achieved more fans in one year then New York to Los Angeles has achieved in three, and I owe that all to you.

To Veruni and Michelle, thank you for sticking by me through both novels and always being the first to feedback on preliminary drafts. To squeal with me over the cute scenes and hot guys I conjure up and for always being there to offer me advice. The two of you are no doubt my biggest motivators and supporters and I love you both ❤.

To @MrinalGupta98 thank you for being one of the first readers to get so involved with the story, for the covers, trailers an ideas you gave me. You truly are an amazing supporter and love your enthusiasm for the story.

To @CorvusTenebrae a new friend that I have made who is an amazing reader (I am really using this word alot). I love your fangirling over #Ashelle, and how you are one of the sweetest people I've met on this site. (I am in love with both of your covers by the way).

to @oh_susanna33 I have always loved reading your comments particularly the one on chapter 40, not going to lie I screenshotted that one. Who knows maybe it'll come in handy when I need an ego boost ;).

There are so many other people that contributed to this story's success so many more people whose comments have made my day and whose constant votes have filled me with joy and I want to take the time to thank each and every one of you. I love all the support and enthusiasm you have for this story.

It's not the best I know that, there are probably more plot holes than I would have liked. A bit more cliche then I would have hoped but I'm not a professional and considering that I am pretty proud of what I have achieved. I've falls in love with most of the character (excl Justine) and especially Brad. I don't know maybe its because I know his back story, one which I never got the chance to reveal but he seems like an amazing guy.

If there is anything I want to be taken from this story its that be who you  want to be. Don't shove yourself into a stereotype because at the end of the day no one fits into one particular mould. That's the beauty of human nature, we all have a little bit of everything in us.

Embrace your individuality and live life to its fullest.

Yours Sincerely,


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