Chapter 27 - Pizza, Anyone?

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"Oh yes! The two of you go to school together, right?" Mrs Knight asks with a small smile on her face as she shakes my hand. I nod before Mr Knight shakes my hand too.

"Well it's nice to meet you Isabelle, now if you'll excuse us we'll just go get changed" Mr Knight gives me a small smile before walking past me and up the stairs, his wife following behind him.

"Oh but do stay for dinner Isabelle, we want to get to know Juliette's friend!" Mrs Knight shouted over her shoulder.

When the two of them are out of sight,  I turn to Ashton with a small glare on my face. By the look on his face you'd think he dodged a bullet or something.

"Thanks for the help back there Captain America" I mutter sarcastically shoving his shoulder slightly. Ashton brushes off my meek insult with a smirk.

"Think of it as payback for bringing up 'kissing Brad' earlier...babe" he winks my way and I scoff. 

"You're so full of yourself Knight" I grumble walking over to the living room and plopping down onto one of the couches.

"Aww someone's grumpy...what's the matter? Missing your ex?" he asks and while he obviously wanted it to come off in a joking manner I could sense a seriousness behind his words.

"I thought we went over this?" I ask, turning to face him and his intense grey eyes, I don't let him answer before I continue speaking.

"I'm being serious here Ashton! You have to sort out these jealousy issues of yours because the next time you say something as stupid as this I might just punch you"

"Am I interrupting something?" Juliette's voice from the doorway startles the two of us and we turn to see her leaning against the doorway with a small smile on her face.

"No you're not. Ashton just needs to grow up...." She smiles slightly before a frown slips on her face and as she plops down beside me on the couch the frown never wavers.

"Are you OK?" I ask her not liking how my normally bubbly friend is now downtrodden and quiet. My question causes her to shake her head and a forced smile to appear on her face.

"Juliette, come on what's up?" Ashton asks, leaning forward so that he was only inches away from me. 

"They didn't call...again. What are they so bloody busy with that they can't make the time to call their only daughter!" Understanding dawns on our faces as Juliette continues to rant, her sentences jumbled and her pace frenzied as she grows angrier. I have to bite my lip at times when her rant becomes too funny but thankfully she never notices.

So to sum up Juliette's rant she's upset that her business-minded parents, who are too busy setting up their hotel chains around America and going to business trips in Europe and Asia haven't called her in over three days. Which is understandable, I mean not only does Juliette get to see her parents a handful of times in a year but for them to not even initiate the calls...well they aren't going to be winning any 'Parents of the year' contests anytime soon.

"They always do this! I am just so sick of it! I am their damn daughter for goodness sakes, does that mean nothing to them?" By this point Juliette's in tears and I hurry to comfort her while Ashton walks off to the kitchen to grab the ice cream. 

"Oh Juliette, I'm sure they love you but you know not everyone is good at expressing their feelings. My dad, for example, is a workaholic if it wasn't for my mother dragging him home everyday with her I'd barely see him throughout the week" she giggles slightly and leans into my hug as she wipes her face with a tissue.

"Thanks Izzy, I'm feeling better now" The ice cream is unnecessary now but I don't think Ashton ever intended to bring the tub of frozen goodness, I'm pretty sure he just panicked at the sight of tears. Speak of the devil...the idiot returns a few minutes later, empty-handed and awkwardly clears his throat as he takes a seat causing us two girls to laugh. He scowls in our direction but doesn't say anything.

When Mrs Knight came down not too long after, the three of us were playing Monopoly on the living room floor. I am surprised myself that I agreed to Juliette's plea to play the board game but it was turning out to be quite fun. I especially enjoyed the scowl on Ashton's face when he landed on one of my properties and had to pay me rent.

His mom watches us play with  amusement  and occasionally asks me questions about my family and how school is going- the normal parental questions. Mrs Knight turned out to be quite an easy-going lady who was really nice and sweet and I felt myself enjoying her presence. Clearly Ashton didn't inherit her laid-back personality.

Mr Knight joined us after ordering some pizzas, he didn't talk much but he seemed nice enough. I could really see the similarities between him and his son, aside from the obvious physical similarities. For example, they both had the same strong jaw and grey eyes and both of them had the brooding look down-pat. They both had the same scowl on their face when they hear something they don't like and they both have a natural air of confidence around themselves. Ashton was like a younger version of his father.

When the pizzas arrive we all move to the dining room to eat at the dining table. The walls in this room are painted a nice maroon shade and the cherry oak table stands out in the centre of the room. Mr Knight takes a seat at the head of the table, his wife on his left and Juliette on his right. I take a seat next to Juliette and Ashton takes the seat opposite me, next to his mom.


The dinner was going really well, well until Ashton decided to play footsie under the table. The first time his foot came in contact with mine I almost choked on my pizza causing me to glare at his smug face. Eventually it turned into a mini kicking match and I was proud to say I landed a few not-so-light kicks to his shins. That earned me a scowl and fierce glare and I had to hide my laugh behind my hands.

If anyone else noticed what we were doing they didn't say anything we finished dinner and Mr and Mrs Knight headed upstairs. After a few minutes of talking with Juliette it was time for me to leave so Ashton and I headed out to his Mom's car. Ashton was quiet on the drive back and the silence was pretty comfortable considering the two of us are either arguing or not talking to each other at all. 

When we reach my house I'm ready to leave when Ashton pulls me back, keeping a tight hold on my hand. I turn to look at him, my eyebrows drawn in confusion as he tugs me closer.

"If I promise to control my anger towards Brad and that's all that it is - anger not jealousy- then do you promise to go to the party on Friday with me?" Ashton asks me his eyes holding a certain glint that I couldn't decipher. I take a few minutes to think his proposal over, getting lost in his eyes as I do so and after a few minutes I slowly agree.

A bright smile takes over his face, his grey eyes lighting up and I'm caught by surprise as he places a soft kiss on my cheeks before releasing me.

"Goodnight Isabelle" he says a small smile lighting his face as he watches my swallow down my shock.

"Uh, I, uh...goodnight" I stutter quickly, exiting the car with the sound of Ashton's laughter ringing behind me. 

Later on that night as I lay in bed all I can think about is Ashton. My mind replays all the times I've talked to him, annoyed him, been cornered by him and last but not least him kissing my cheek. A smile forms on my face and I can still feel his lips on my skin as I cup my cheek and let out a small squeal.

Ashton may be the brooding 'bad boy' of the school but he isn't all that bad....

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Published on (23/1/15)

So not only is this update late but it's short and sucky not going to lie. I'm so sorry but this chapter was a pain to write! Thank you to everyone voting and commenting your support means a lot, it's crazy for me to see the stats right now. Over 12000 reads, almost 500 votes and over 100 comments.

Because of your support this story reached #531 in Teen Fiction which is crazy! The only reason the rank left was because I haven't updated in awhile (my fault).

Please Vote & Comment. Hope you have a nice weekend :)

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